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Merge pull request #911 from lardemua/opencv_handeye_calib
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move development of the opencv hand eye calibration to noetic-devel
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Kazadhum authored Mar 29, 2024
2 parents b95f36c + 729c21b commit e740af9
Showing 1 changed file with 240 additions and 0 deletions.
240 changes: 240 additions & 0 deletions atom_evaluation/scripts/other_calibrations/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3

Stereo calibration from opencv

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import numpy as np
import cv2
import argparse
import json
import os
import tf

from colorama import Style, Fore
from collections import OrderedDict
from atom_evaluation.utilities import atomicTfFromCalibration
from atom_core.atom import getTransform
from atom_core.dataset_io import saveAtomDataset

def cvHandEyeCalibrate(objp, dataset, camera, pattern, number_of_corners):
# Arrays to store object points and image points from all the images.
objpoints = [] # 3d point in real world space
imgpoints_camera = [] # 2d points in image plane.

for collection_key, collection in dataset['collections'].items():

tmp_imgpoints_camera = np.ones((number_of_corners, 2), np.float32) # temporary var

for idx, point in enumerate(collection['labels'][pattern][camera]['idxs']):
tmp_imgpoints_camera[idx, 0] = point['x']
tmp_imgpoints_camera[idx, 1] = point['y']

objpoints.append(objp) #### I don't understand this

# print(imgpoints_camera)

# ---------------------------------------
# --- Get intrinsic data for the sensor
# ---------------------------------------
# Source sensor
K = np.zeros((3, 3), np.float32)
D = np.zeros((5, 1), np.float32)
K[0, :] = dataset['sensors'][camera]['camera_info']['K'][0:3]
K[1, :] = dataset['sensors'][camera]['camera_info']['K'][3:6]
K[2, :] = dataset['sensors'][camera]['camera_info']['K'][6:9]
D[:, 0] = dataset['sensors'][camera]['camera_info']['D'][0:5]

height = dataset['sensors'][camera]['camera_info']['height']
width = dataset['sensors'][camera]['camera_info']['width']
image_size = (height, width)

# Undistort detection points

print(f'Calculating undistorted corner detection coordinates...')
undistorted_imgpoints_camera = [] # Init matrix with points for every collection

for i in range(0, len(imgpoints_camera)): # Iterate through the collections
tmp_undistorted_imgpoints_camera = cv2.undistortPoints(imgpoints_camera[i], K, D)

# Get transform from base to cam (Z)

# Hard coded for now
tmp_transforms = dataset['collections']['006']['transforms']
base_T_cam = getTransform('base_link', 'rgb_world_link', tmp_transforms)

# Get transform from


# print('\n---------------------\n Starting stereo calibration ...')
# # Extrinsic stereo calibration
# stereocalib_criteria = (cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_MAX_ITER +
# cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS, 100, 1e-5)

# ret, K_l, D_l, K_r, D_r, R, T, E, F = cv2.stereoCalibrate(objpoints, imgpoints_l,
# imgpoints_r, K_l, D_l, K_r,
# D_r, image_size,
# criteria=stereocalib_criteria, flags=flags)

print('\n---------------------\n Done!\n\n------\nCalibration results:\n------\n')

print('K_left', K_l)
print('D_left', D_l)
print('K_right', K_r)
print('D_right', D_r)
print('R', R)
print('T', T)
print('E', E)
print('F', F)

camera_model = dict([('K_l', K_l), ('K_r', K_r), ('D_l', D_l),
('D_r', D_r), ('R', R), ('T', T),
('E', E), ('F', F)])

return camera_model

def getPatternConfig(dataset, pattern):
# Pattern configs
nx = dataset['calibration_config']['calibration_patterns'][pattern]['dimension']['x']
ny = dataset['calibration_config']['calibration_patterns'][pattern]['dimension']['y']
square = dataset['calibration_config']['calibration_patterns'][pattern]['size']
inner_square = dataset['calibration_config']['calibration_patterns'][pattern]['inner_size']
objp = np.zeros((nx * ny, 3), np.float32)
objp[:, :2] = square * np.mgrid[0:nx, 0:ny].T.reshape(-1, 2) # set of coordinates (w.r.t. the pattern frame) of the corners

return nx, ny, square, inner_square, objp

def main():
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument("-json", "--json_file", help="Json file containing train input dataset.", type=str,
ap.add_argument("-c", "--camera", help="Camera sensor name.", type=str, required=True)
ap.add_argument("-si", "--show_images", help="If true the script shows images.", action='store_true', default=False)
ap.add_argument("-p", "--pattern", help="Pattern to be used for calibration.", type=str, required=True)

# Save args
args = vars(ap.parse_args())
json_file = args['json_file']
camera = args['camera']
show_images = args['show_images']
pattern = args['pattern']

# Read json file
f = open(json_file, 'r')
dataset = json.load(f)


nx, ny, square, inner_square, objp = getPatternConfig(dataset=dataset, pattern=pattern)

# Remove partial detections (OpenCV does not support them)
collections_to_delete = []

# TODO only works for first pattern -------> Changed it to calibrate w.r.t. a pattern passed as an argument
# ^
# first_pattern_key = list(dataset['calibration_config']['calibration_patterns'].keys())[0]----------'

number_of_corners = int(nx) * int(ny)
for collection_key, collection in dataset['collections'].items():
for sensor_key, sensor in dataset['sensors'].items():
if sensor_key != camera:

if sensor['msg_type'] == 'Image' and collection['labels'][pattern][sensor_key]['detected']:
if not len(collection['labels'][pattern][sensor_key]['idxs']) == number_of_corners:
Fore.RED + 'Partial detection removed:' + Style.RESET_ALL + ' label from collection ' +
collection_key + ', sensor ' + sensor_key)


for collection_key in collections_to_delete:
del dataset['collections'][collection_key]

# remove collections which do not have a pattern detection
collections_to_delete = []
for collection_key, collection in dataset['collections'].items():
if not collection['labels'][pattern][args['camera']]['detected']:
print('Collection ' + collection_key + ' pattern not detected on camera. Removing...')

for collection_key in collections_to_delete:
del dataset['collections'][collection_key]

print('\nUsing ' + str(len(dataset['collections'])) + ' collections.')

# # Compute OpenCV stereo calibration
cvHandEyeCalibrate(objp=objp, dataset=dataset, camera=camera, pattern=pattern, number_of_corners=number_of_corners)

if __name__ == '__main__':


# R = calib_model['R']
# t = calib_model['T']
# K_r = calib_model['K_r']
# D_r = calib_model['D_r']
# K_l = calib_model['K_l']
# D_l = calib_model['D_l']

# # Extract homogeneous transformation between cameras
# calib_tf = np.zeros((4, 4), np.float32)
# calib_tf[0:3, 0:3] = R
# calib_tf[0:3, 3] = t.ravel()
# calib_tf[3, 0:3] = 0
# calib_tf[3, 3] = 1

# res = atomicTfFromCalibration(dataset, right_camera, left_camera, calib_tf)

# # Re-write atomic transformation to the json file ...
# dataset['sensors'][right_camera]['camera_info']['K'][0:3] = K_r[0, :]
# dataset['sensors'][right_camera]['camera_info']['K'][3:6] = K_r[1, :]
# dataset['sensors'][right_camera]['camera_info']['K'][6:9] = K_r[2, :]

# dataset['sensors'][left_camera]['camera_info']['K'][0:3] = K_l[0, :]
# dataset['sensors'][left_camera]['camera_info']['K'][3:6] = K_l[1, :]
# dataset['sensors'][left_camera]['camera_info']['K'][6:9] = K_l[2, :]

# dataset['sensors'][right_camera]['camera_info']['D'][0:5] = D_r[:, 0]
# dataset['sensors'][left_camera]['camera_info']['D'][0:5] = D_l[:, 0]

# child_link = dataset['calibration_config']['sensors'][left_camera]['child_link']
# parent_link = dataset['calibration_config']['sensors'][left_camera]['parent_link']
# frame = parent_link + '-' + child_link
# quat = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(res)
# for collection_key, collection in dataset['collections'].items():
# dataset['collections'][collection_key]['transforms'][frame]['quat'] = quat
# dataset['collections'][collection_key]['transforms'][frame]['trans'] = res[0:3, 3]

# # Save results to a json file
# filename_results_json = os.path.dirname(json_file) + '/cv_calibration.json'
# saveAtomDataset(filename_results_json, dataset)

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