In this release I added a initial websocket client. This uses middlemind rater then talking directly to the tivo. this has the advantage of not needing the client cert but the downside of needing the session cookie. Right now you need to use a browser to get the domainToken cookie.
I added a script to pull the skip information for a recording and write metadata that can be consumed by ffmpeg to write chapters into a file along with some other limited metadata.
node getRecordingSkip.js tivo:rc.12345678
this will get the recording metadata, skip metadata, and skip data offset. It will write the data to a file like "title SxE subtitle.txt"
you can then add the data to a recording you have downloaded using ffmpeg.
ffmpeg -i "Title - 1x01 - sub title.ts" -i "Title - 1x01 - sub title.txt" -map_metadata 1 -c copy "Title - 1x01 - sub title.mkv"