Reworked Update To The Ancient Monkey!
-New Extra Panel
-Increase Slot Of Stronger Weapon Upgrade.
-Increase Slot Of New Weapon Upgrade.
-Increase Slot Of New Ability Upgrade.
-Extra Luck Upgrade.
-More Extra Upgrade Coming Soon!
-New Mods Settings
-New Weapon Starting Slot Count. Base = 3, Min =1, Max = 5.
-Stronger Weapon Starting Slot Count. Base = 3, Min =1, Max = 5.
-New Ability Starting Slot Count. Base = 1, Min =1, Max = 5.
-New Weapon/Stronger Weapon Slot Removed Rarity Limit. Ex: Top Slot Can Be Exotic.
-Stronger Weapon Rework
-Every Bonus Is Now Randomly Generated Between 2 Numbers Increasing For Each Rarity.
-Upgrade Cost: $75K -> $125k
-Upgraded New Weapon Cost Reset: $300 -> $450
-Upgraded Stronger Weapon Cost Reset $625 -> $950
-Upgraded New Ability Cost Reset $5000 -> $4500
-Bug Fixes
-Selecting A New Weapon/New Ability/Stronger Weapon Not Showing The Panel Again.
-If Deselect The Monkey And Select It Again While A Panel Is Open Creating A Permanent Panel After Removing The Opened Panel.
-Small Others Issues