It's a task solution from anytask. This program can convert image into file that will contain the symbolic interpretation of that image or show video in console.
There are two ways to interact: via command line or GUI.
If you need to convert an image to ASCII art, you need to write: python3 image
and then specify these parameters:
Parameter | Description |
-i IMAGE_PATH | Path to the converted image |
-o PATH_TO_SAVE | Path to save ASCII art |
--height HEIGHT | Height of ASCII art (default: height of image) |
--width WIDTH | Width of ASCII art (default: width of image) |
-a ASCII_SYMBOLS | Symbols to ASCII art |
Example: python3 image -i "C:\Users\egore\OneDrive\Изображения\ryan-gosling-blade-runner-2049.jpg" --height 120 --width 120 -o "C:\Users\egore\OneDrive\Документы" -a "AB.:EF@H*JKLMNO|"
If you need to convert a video to ASCII video, you need to write: python3 video
and then specify these parameters:
Parameter | Description |
-i VIDEO_PATH | Path to converted video |
-a ASCII_SYMBOLS | Symbols to ASCII art (default: $@B8&WM#*oaj+~<>i!lI;:, ) |
Example: python video -i "C:\Users\egore\OneDrive\Рабочий стол\sample.mp4" -a "AB.:EF@H*JKLMNO| "
You can call the command: python3 gui
You can increase/decrease the size of the image in view mode on the interface using +
and -
on the keyboard