Die Telefonbuchanwendung zielt darauf ab, eine Telefonbuchanwendung in Python zu erstellen und als Webanwendung mit Flask auf AWS Application Load Balancer mit Auto Scaling Group of Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Instances und Relational Database Service (RDS) mit Terraform bereitzustellen.
Bookstore Web API Application zielt darauf ab, einen Bookstore-Webservice mit Docker zu erstellen, das Verständnis der Dockerisierung einer Anwendung. Der Anwendungscode wird als RESTful-Webservice mit Flask mithilfe von Dockerfile und Docker Compose auf AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Instance mit Terraform bereitgestellt.
Bookstore Web API Application aims to create a bookstore web service using Docker to give students the understanding to dockerization of an application. The application code is to be deployed as a RESTful web service with Flask using Dockerfile and Docker Compose on AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Instance using Terraform.
Phonebook Microservice Web Application aims to create a web application with MySQL Database using Docker and Kubernetes to give students the understanding of Microservice architecture. In this application, we have a frontend service and a backend service to interact with database service. Each service will be managed by a Kubernetes deployment. The backend service will be a gateway for the application and it will serve the necessary web pages for create, delete and update operations while the frontend service will serve a search page in order to conduct read operations. To preserve the data in the database, persistent volume and persistent volume claim concepts should be adopted.
The Clarusway Web-Page Application aims to deploy web-page written Nodejs and React Frameworks on AWS Cloud Infrastructure using Ansible. Building infrastructure process is managing with control node utilizing Ansible. This infrastructure has 1 control node and 3 EC2's as worker node. These EC2's will be launched on AWS console. Web-page has 3 main components which are postgresql, nodejs, and react. Each component is serving in Docker container on EC2s dedicated for them. Postgresql is serving as Database of web-page. Nodejs controls backend part of web-side and react controls frontend side of web-page. The code was written by Clarusway's Developers and architecture will be created by Clarusway's AWS & DevOps Team.