- Terraform >= 1.3.x
- Download the latest release for your architecture
$ mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugins/latitude.sh/iac/latitudesh/[VERSION]/darwin_amd64
$ mv terraform-provider-latitudesh ~/.terraform.d/plugins/latitude.sh/iac/latitudesh/[VERSION]/darwin_amd64
$ export OS_ARCH="$(go env GOHOSTOS)_$(go env GOHOSTARCH)"
$ mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugins/latitude.sh/iac/latitudesh/[VERSION]/$OS_ARCH
$ mkdir -p %APPDATA%\terraform.d\plugins\latitude.sh\iac\latitudesh\[VERSION]\[OS_ARCH]
$ # Move the binary to the appropriate subdirectory within your user plugins directory, replacing [OS_ARCH] with your system's OS_ARCH
After installing the provider locally, create a Terraform project and on main.tf
replace source with:
source = "latitude.sh/iac/latitudesh"
Create variables.tf
and add your Latitude.sh token. Finally, initialize the project with terraform init