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Merge pull request #66 from leanprover-community/bump/v4.9.0-rc2
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Bump toolchain to leanprover/lean4:v4.9.0-rc2 and assorted features
  • Loading branch information
Vtec234 authored Jun 24, 2024
2 parents bf1a80e + 624c68b commit d10328b
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Showing 21 changed files with 290 additions and 205 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions ProofWidgets/Component/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,3 +88,12 @@ def InteractiveMessage : Component InteractiveMessageProps where

end ProofWidgets

/-- Construct a structured message from a ProofWidgets component.
For the meaning of `alt`, see `MessageData.ofWidget`. -/
def Lean.MessageData.ofComponent [Server.RpcEncodable Props]
(c : ProofWidgets.Component Props) (p : Props) (alt : String) : CoreM MessageData := do
let wi ← Widget.WidgetInstance.ofHash c.javascriptHash
(Server.RpcEncodable.rpcEncode p)
return .ofWidget wi alt
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions ProofWidgets/Component/HtmlDisplay.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,3 +83,9 @@ def elabHtmlTac : Tactic | _ => pure ()

end HtmlCommand
end ProofWidgets

/-- Construct a structured message from ProofWidgets HTML.
For the meaning of `alt`, see `MessageData.ofWidget`. -/
def Lean.MessageData.ofHtml (h : ProofWidgets.Html) (alt : String) : CoreM MessageData :=
MessageData.ofComponent ProofWidgets.HtmlDisplay ⟨h⟩ alt
21 changes: 12 additions & 9 deletions ProofWidgets/Component/PenroseDiagram.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,10 +5,13 @@ namespace ProofWidgets.Penrose
open Lean Server

structure DiagramProps where
embeds : Array (String × Html)
dsl : String
sty : String
sub : String
embeds : Array (String × Html)
dsl : String
sty : String
sub : String
/-- Maximum number of optimization steps to take before showing the diagram.
Optimization may converge earlier, before taking this many steps. -/
maxOptSteps : Nat := 500
deriving Inhabited, RpcEncodable

/-- Displays the given diagram using [Penrose](
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -38,7 +41,7 @@ the editor theme. -/
def Diagram : Component DiagramProps where
javascript := include_str ".." / ".." / ".lake" / "build" / "js" / "penroseDisplay.js"

/-! # `PenroseBuilderM` -/
/-! # `DiagramBuilderM` -/

structure DiagramState where
/-- The Penrose substance program.
Expand All @@ -57,7 +60,7 @@ open scoped Jsx in
/-- Assemble the diagram using the provided domain and style programs.
`none` is returned iff nothing was added to the diagram. -/
def buildDiagram (dsl sty : String) : DiagramBuilderM (Option Html) := do
def buildDiagram (dsl sty : String) (maxOptSteps : Nat := 500) : DiagramBuilderM (Option Html) := do
let st ← get
if st.sub == "" && st.embeds.isEmpty then
return none
Expand All @@ -66,12 +69,12 @@ def buildDiagram (dsl sty : String) : DiagramBuilderM (Option Html) := do
for (n, (tp, h)) in st.embeds.toArray do
sub := sub ++ s!"{tp} {n}\n"
embedHtmls := embedHtmls.push (n, h)
-- Note: order matters here, embed variables are declared first.
sub := sub ++ st.sub
return <Diagram
sub={sub} />
dsl={dsl} sty={sty} sub={sub}
maxOptSteps={maxOptSteps} />

/-- Add an object `nm` of Penrose type `tp`,
labelled by `h`, to the substance program. -/
Expand Down
79 changes: 63 additions & 16 deletions ProofWidgets/Demos/Euclidean.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,16 +30,24 @@ class IncidenceGeometry where
between : Point → Point → Point → Prop -- implies colinearity
onLine : Point → Line → Prop
onCircle : Point → Circle → Prop
inCircle : Point → Circle → Prop
centerCircle : Point → Circle → Prop
circlesInter : Circle → Circle → Prop

ne_23_of_between : ∀ {a b c : Point}, between a b c → b ≠ c
line_unique_of_pts : ∀ {a b : Point}, ∀ {L M : Line},
a ≠ b → onLine a L → onLine b L → onLine a M → onLine b M → L = M
onLine_2_of_between : ∀ {a b c : Point}, ∀ {L : Line},
between a b c → onLine a L → onLine c L → onLine b L
line_of_pts : ∀ a b, ∃ L, onLine a L ∧ onLine b L
circle_of_ne : ∀ a b, a ≠ b → ∃ C, centerCircle a C ∧ onCircle b C
circlesInter_of_onCircle_inCircle :
∀ {a b α β}, onCircle b α → onCircle a β → inCircle a α →
inCircle b β → circlesInter α β
pts_of_circlesInter : ∀ {α β}, circlesInter α β →
∃ a b, a ≠ b ∧ onCircle a α ∧ onCircle a β ∧ onCircle b α ∧ onCircle b β
inCircle_of_centerCircle : ∀ {a α}, centerCircle a α → inCircle a α

variable [i : IncidenceGeometry]
open IncidenceGeometry

/-! # Metaprogramming utilities to break down expressions -/
Expand All @@ -59,11 +67,21 @@ def isOnCirclePred? (e : Expr) : Option (Expr × Expr) := do
let some (_, a, C) := e.app3? ``onCircle | none
return (a, C)

/-- If `e == inCircle a C` return `some (a, C)`, otherwise `none`. -/
def isInCirclePred? (e : Expr) : Option (Expr × Expr) := do
let some (_, a, C) := e.app3? ``inCircle | none
return (a, C)

/-- If `e == centerCircle a C` return `some (a, C)`, otherwise `none`. -/
def isCenterCirclePred? (e : Expr) : Option (Expr × Expr) := do
let some (_, a, C) := e.app3? ``centerCircle | none
return (a, C)

/-- If `e == circlesInter a C` return `some (a, C)`, otherwise `none`. -/
def isCirclesInterPred? (e : Expr) : Option (Expr × Expr) := do
let some (_, a, C) := e.app3? ``circlesInter | none
return (a, C)

def isPoint? (e : Expr) : Bool :=
e.isAppOf ``Point

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,10 +111,18 @@ def addHypotheses (hyps : Array LocalDecl) : DiagramBuilderM Unit := do
let sa ← addExpr "Point" a
let sC ← addExpr "Circle" C
addInstruction s!"OnCircle({sa}, {sC})"
if let some (a, C) := isInCirclePred? tp then
let sa ← addExpr "Point" a
let sC ← addExpr "Circle" C
addInstruction s!"InCircle({sa}, {sC})"
if let some (a, C) := isCenterCirclePred? tp then
let sa ← addExpr "Point" a
let sC ← addExpr "Circle" C
addInstruction s!"CenterCircle({sa}, {sC})"
if let some (C, D) := isCirclesInterPred? tp then
let sC ← addExpr "Circle" C
let sD ← addExpr "Circle" D
addInstruction s!"CirclesInter({sC}, {sD})"

/-! # Implementation of the widget -/

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,12 +180,13 @@ def EuclideanDisplay : Component PanelWidgetProps :=

/-! # Example usage -/

example {a b c : Point} {L M : Line} {C D E: Circle} (Babc : between a b c)
(aL : onLine a L) (bM : onLine b M) (cL : onLine c L) (cM : onLine c M)
(aC : onCircle a C) (aD : onCircle a D) (bC : centerCircle b C) (cE : centerCircle c E) :
L = M := by
variable [i : IncidenceGeometry]

example {a b c : Point} {L M : Line} (Babc : between a b c)
(aL : onLine a L) (bM : onLine b M) (cL : onLine c L) (cM : onLine c M) :
L = M := by
with_panel_widgets [EuclideanDisplay]
-- Place your cursor here.
-- Place your cursor here.
have bc := ne_23_of_between Babc
have bL := onLine_2_of_between Babc aL cL
exact line_unique_of_pts bc bL cL bM cM
Expand All @@ -172,12 +199,15 @@ to the diagram.
Lines are labelled with links to insert them into the proof script. -/
def constructLines (hyps : Array LocalDecl) (meta : Server.DocumentMeta) (cursorPos : Lsp.Position)
: DiagramBuilderM Unit := do
-- Identify all the points.
-- Identify objects and hypotheses from which constructions can be made.
let mut points : Array LocalDecl := {}
let mut circleInters : Array (LocalDecl × LocalDecl × LocalDecl) := {}
for h in hyps do
let tp ← instantiateMVars h.type
if isPoint? tp then
points := points.push h
if let some (.fvar C, .fvar D) := isCirclesInterPred? tp then
circleInters := circleInters.push (h, ← C.getDecl, ← D.getDecl)

-- Add a plausible construction, labelled with a link that makes the text edit.
let addConstruction (nm tp ctr : String) : DiagramBuilderM Unit := do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,15 +237,29 @@ def constructLines (hyps : Array LocalDecl) (meta : Server.DocumentMeta) (cursor

-- Add two possible circles.
let nm := s!"C{sp}{sq}"
addConstruction nm "Circle" s!"let ⟨{nm}, _, _⟩ := circle_of_ne {sp} {sq} sorry"
addConstruction nm "Circle" s!"let ⟨{nm}, _, _⟩ := circle_of_ne {sp} {sq} (by assumption)"
addInstruction s!"CenterCircle({sp}, {nm})"
addInstruction s!"OnCircle({sq}, {nm})"

let nm := s!"C{sq}{sp}"
addConstruction nm "Circle" s!"let ⟨{nm}, _, _⟩ := circle_of_ne {sq} {sp} sorry"
addConstruction nm "Circle" s!"let ⟨{nm}, _, _⟩ := circle_of_ne {sq} {sp} (by assumption)"
addInstruction s!"CenterCircle({sq}, {nm})"
addInstruction s!"OnCircle({sp}, {nm})"

-- Construct every possible circle intersection.
for hi : i in [0:circleInters.size] do
let (h, C, D) := circleInters[i]
let sC ← addExpr "Circle" C.toExpr
let sD ← addExpr "Circle" D.toExpr
let nm := s!"{sC}{sD}"
let nm' := s!"{sD}{sC}"
addConstruction nm "Point" s!"let ⟨{nm}, {nm'}, _, _, _, _, _⟩ := pts_of_circlesInter {h.userName}"
addEmbed nm' "Point" <b>{.text nm'}</b>
addInstruction s!"OnCircle({nm'}, {sC})"
addInstruction s!"OnCircle({nm}, {sD})"
addInstruction s!"OnCircle({nm}, {sC})"
addInstruction s!"OnCircle({nm'}, {sD})"

open scoped Jsx in
def EuclideanConstructions.rpc (props : PanelWidgetProps) : RequestM (RequestTask Html) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -247,7 +291,7 @@ def EuclideanConstructions.rpc (props : PanelWidgetProps) : RequestM (RequestTas do
addHypotheses allHyps
constructLines selectedHyps doc.meta props.pos
match ← DiagramBuilderM.buildDiagram EuclideanDisplay.dsl EuclideanDisplay.sty with
match ← DiagramBuilderM.buildDiagram EuclideanDisplay.dsl EuclideanDisplay.sty 1500 with
| some html => return html
| none => return <span>No Euclidean goal.</span>)

Expand All @@ -263,10 +307,13 @@ def EuclideanConstructions : Component PanelWidgetProps :=

axiom test_sorry {α} : α

example {a b c d : Point} : ∃ L, onLine a L ∧ onLine b L := by
with_panel_widgets [EuclideanConstructions]
-- Place your cursor below.
-- Shift-click points in 'Tactic state' to select them.
let ⟨Cdb, _, _⟩ := circle_of_ne d b sorry
show_panel_widgets [local EuclideanConstructions]

-- Try constructing an equilateral triangle abc
-- with line segment ab as the base.
example {a b : Point} (hab : a ≠ b) :
∃ L M c, onLine a L ∧ onLine b M ∧ onLine c M ∧ onLine c L := by
-- Place your cursor below.
-- Shift-click hypotheses in 'Tactic state' to select them.

exact test_sorry
exact test_sorry
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lake-manifest.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
{"version": 7,
{"version": "1.0.0",
"packagesDir": ".lake/packages",
[{"url": "",
"type": "git",
"subDir": null,
"rev": "51e6e0d24db9341fb031288c298b7e6b56102253",
"rev": "47e4cc5c5800c07d9bf232173c9941fa5bf68589",
"name": "batteries",
"manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json",
"inputRev": "main",
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lean-toolchain
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@

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