- sign in/sign up (Google authentication)
- create users Groups (so, you don’t need to search for your co workers over whole users list in app). Only Group creator may invite or remove people. Group should have name and image/logo.
- Menu item should contain it’s name and price. Any group participant can create menu items or edit existing ones.
- Group creator is able to add/remove free pizza coupons (each coupon works only for specific pizza (menu item)
- create new "Pizza day" Event. Event contains event date, event status (ordering/ordered/delivering/delivered), user’s Group (that takes part in Event). Also, each user from the Group should confirm he is taking part in Event, so he can add order items in this event.
- After Event creating each group participant (user) may choose menu items he want to order (+ specify count).
- When all event participants confirmed their order event status is changing to ordered. So, each user receives to his email list of items he ordered and total amount $ he should pay to event creator.
- Event creator receives same email as simple participants + event summary (list menu items he should order in “Local Restaurant”). After ordering event creator is able to change event status to delivering.
Use Group creator account for adding your e-mail to the group:
[email protected]