Live demo:
A 3D data visualization showing how the population of the global cities evolved from 2000 BC until AD 1980. Based on the data from the awsesome Yale paper spatializing global urbanization. The ThreeJS Globe Visualization library is used to power this visualisation.
In the data folder you can find a csv file that comes from the research paper. Next to it there is a Node.js script that will convert the cvs to a JSON file.
When you open the index.html file, the first thing that will happen is that the converted JSON data is loaded in, then a function from the ModifyCityData is used to filter out cities by year and set the correct height of the 3D point.
Git clone this repo
Open the index.html file with something like Live Server. That's it :)
If you want to reconvert the data, first navigate to the data folder
cd data
Install the dependencies
npm install
Run the script
npm start
The log will tell you where the converted JSON is