An expiremental notebook to log my progress as I learn cuda.
To run, build with cmake by running
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
After that use your preferred build system configured through cmake. Ex: make
Then run the main starter program by using ./cuda-notebooks <program name>
Currently, there are the following programs made:
Simple vector operations by creating random vector float arrays and doing addition/subtraction/dot product
specify an amount of elements per vector to generate
Image processing, currently converts image to grayscale
specify a different input file other than image.jpg--output
specify a different output file location other than image_grayscale.jpg
Float list sorter. Generates random numbers and sorts them based on the bitonic sorting algorithm. This is not restricted to only 2^n elements. Any number of elements can be passed into it. Additionally, there exists a java class that binds to Allowing floats to be sorted utilizing CUDA in Java.
specify an amount of elements to generate
Audio visualizer does a fourier transform using cuFFT and displays the selected track using qt5
. Additionally, thrust was used to simplify data movement between GPU and host.