Версия на русском (более полная и подробная)
– is open-source JavaScript framework to build big single-page applications (SPA). It developing with focus on dynamics (everything could change), flexibility, performance and ability to manage a lot data (models, collections etc).
You could compare performance of basis.js
with others by some synthetic tests: animation through bindings (alternative version), model generation and simple list with a lot items generation.
has some tools for development, that helps build awesome applications:
- basisjs-tools - CLI to manage basis.js project: create instances, build for production and special web server that notify client when resources are updated. Please, visit project page for more information.
- Google Chrome plugin (repo) - helps to manage templates and localization with live updates and change saving to files, it also provide project file structure graph and other information.
Unfortunatelly, most information in Russian now, but we are working on it.
You could find some infomation here:
- basisjs.com – project site
- Tutorial – step by step instruction to how use
(in progress) - Articles – documentation about various part of framework (in progress);
- Tour – interactive slides with description and code, that you could tweak;
- Docs – auto-documentation, that generates on fly by module structure and their source code;
- Demo – demo set that shows some of abilities of framework;
- Slide – slides for basis.js related talks.
Media channels:
Use Google groups or Google+ for ask your questions. You also could use GitHub Issues as an option.
If those channels are not suitable for you, please feel free contact us at [email protected]