Arg, matey!! This GUI integrated experience for Pirate users to do tasks related to their wallets and having conversations with their slimy sea-rotten Contacts, i.e. sending + receiving HushList memos.
This wallet supports Shielded Addresses and Shielded Transactions, as transparent addresses are only used by landlubbers (and notary nodes).
This codebase uses the Electron framework to enable cross-platform support and supports Linux, Mac and Windows.
You must have a recent version of NodeJS and npm installed:
# clone repo
git clone
cd TreasureChest
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:9080
npm run dev
# build electron application for production
npm run build
You are very welcome to submit patches to Pirate TreasureChest! Please send them to the dev
which is our tip of development.