Prediction, smoothing and filtering of 1D signals, with an emphasis on data from mobile devices (e.g. accelerometry, audio, GPS). Fundamentals of time series analysis. Image analysis and enhancement techniques, including deblurring, registration, segmentation and recognition. Methods that scale to very large image collections. Programming in Matlab or Python.
3 credits, MW 1:25-2:40. On rare occasions we will use the make-up slot on Thursday morning. The first meeting is Wednesday 9/4.
- Professor: Ramin Zabih, [email protected]
- TA: Alex Fix, [email protected]
The course will include three programming assignments, due approximately once per month. Currently the due dates are October 3, October 30 and November 25. There are no exams but will be occasional short in-class quizzes.
Lectures are here: [[Lectures]]