Our audio tools include two main utilities:
generate_speech.py: Designed to generate audio files for one or more languages in the voices specified in config.py. The audio files are laid out in a filesystem format that matches that needed for core assets and our GCP buckets.
dashboard.py: This standalone utility does four things:
- Shows current audio generation stats in the top frame
- Shows all our current translations and audio by language in the bottom frame. Selecting one will play it.
- For evaluation purposes, allows selecting a voice from PlayHt or ElevenLabs to play the same text.
- Allows the addition of SSML tags to an edit box to evaluate their effect.
Open a terminal:
Create a directory to use for your levante projects
Then: git clone https://github.com/levante-framework/levante_translations.git
[If you've already cloned it, use "git pull"]
[Change into the folder with the project:] cd levante_translations
[For stable behavior, use the main branch] git checkout main
[Install all the needed packages:] pip (or pip3) install . --user
[Add PlayHt credentials to your enviornment] [For Levante team, credentials are in Slack]
For Mac, edit ~/.zshrc and use: export PLAY_DOT_HT_API_KEY=<API_KEY> export PLAY_DOT_HT_USER_ID=<USER_ID> [then exit the editor and do "source ~/.zshrc"]
You may also need to install ffmpeg to hear some of the audio.
[Hopefully the Dashboard will now run:] python (or py) dashboard.py
Create/Update item_bank_translations.csv with the translations you'd like to use
Depending on your desired language, run: generate_english.[sh|bat] generate_spanish.[sh|bat] generate_german.[sh|bat]
By default the generated audio files will be in the audio_files sub-directory, in the format used for the asset repo and for serving
Optionally push/merge the audio files to the asset repo, and/or sync them to the appropriate google bucket using 'gsutil rsync -r '
Batch/Shell files call generate_speech.py with the appropriate language code and voice.
(CURRENTLY only PlayHt is supported. We'll add ElevenLabs if we decide we want to use any of their voices)
generate_speech.py compares the desired text with its persistent cache of what it has already generated audio for. If a string is new or changed, it is placed in 'needed_item_bank_translation.csv'
Items with no assigned task are skipped, as there is nowhere to file them.
The translations needed are passed to PlayHT/playHt_tts.py
The module iterates through the rows in the csv, requesting audio generation for each.
As needed, the module will wait for a status of completed.
It also restarts the request if it receives an error. Currently it will do that 5 times before giving up.
Errors aren't a problem for English and Spanish, but happen for German and French. There doesn't seem to be a pattern, but it means that sometimes the batch/shell file has to be re-run. After a couple/few runs, everything gets translated.
There is a helper script count_audio.[bat|sh] that counts the number of audio files generated for each language, as a sanity check.
To change to a new voice or if for some other reason you want to redo transcriptions for a specific language, simple set the appropriate language column to None. You can do this by importing as a DataFrame and then just using a column operation. [At some point we should make this a function]