An open source very lightweight wiki engine
- Does not use database; save the contents of the editor to the local filesystem
- Editor without WYSIWYG; pages can also be edited directly in code editors
- Page modification history: modification timeline with restore function (only when saved from wiki)
- Index of all pages, with support for subdirectories (neasted folders)
- Optional file delivery in raw; without framing it on the wiki
- Can be installed in a folder or root directory of your website
- HTML5, CSS and PHP; no javascript. Tested in Apache & IIS
Home | Goes to the home page configured in config.php |
New | Asks for name and create new page |
Index | Show the pages within the pages folders (or its subfolders) with links to view, edit or version history |
History | Show the list of previous version of a given page, with links to preview and restore |
Restore | Take a snapshot of the current page and restore the selected version |
Delete | Erase a givem page, leaving backups for restauration |
Raw | Display the page without the wiki frame |
Edit | Open a simple source code editor, with links to save, cancel, raw, history, index and home |
Cancel | Discard changes on the source editor, going back to page view |
Save | Create a backup of the current page (if it exists) and write the changes |
Preview | Preview a history version the be restored, with links to restauration, history, index and home |
You can see a fully functional copy of Quiki at
Examples of internal pages: HTML elements and font families (you can also view the index)
.htaccess & web.config |
Front controllers (forward all requests to index.php) |
index.php |
Quiki engine |
config.php |
Configuration file (title, template, folders etc.) |
lib/template.php |
Template HTML |
lib/layout.css |
Template CSS |
pages/ |
Folder that contains all the wiki pages |
history/ |
Backup folder, with page name as folder and timestamp as filenames |
OS | Browser | Version |
Mac OS El Capitan | Google Chrome | 47.0, 49.0 |
Mozilla Firefox | 42.0 | |
Apple Safari | 9.0.2 | |
Opera | 12.16 | |
Windows Server 2016 (Windows 10) |
Internet Explorer | 11 |
Edge | ? | |
Google Chrome | 48, 50 | |
Firefox | 42 | |
Opera | 34 | |
Windows 7 | Internet Explorer | ? |
OS | Webserver | PHP |
Mac OS El Capitan | Apache 2.4.16 | 5.5.30 |
Windows Server 2016 | IIS 10 | 5.6.0 |
Linux | Apache 2.3.9 | 5.3.29 |
Better documenation with:
- Basic usage
- Debug (and user-enabled) mode
- Done:
Additional CSS and JS files in options -
- "Rename" [page] (and backups, with conflict check)
- "Move" [page] (and backups, with conflict check) using the index table with a link "here" (at the right cell, in the same context of "edit"/"raw"/"history" links at rightest cell)
- "Previous", "next" and "edit" when in history preview
- "Purge" orphan history data. For a single deleted item, on red feedback message. Or for all history.
- Done:
"Create" [page] (with window.prompt or any better solution)
- Maybe, someday, a WYSIWYG editor
- Old versions of IE do not support HSLA color mode; this is not intended to be fixed
- Done:
A fucking remake, using Class - Done:
A decent debug with a diagnostics mode (because is not working properly at Freehostia and Raspberry PI) - Done:
Header link: "Delete" [page] (keep backups) - Done:
Rename "newest" to "latest" and "oldest" to "first" in history table (at template)
Oh, yes, Quiki code is open source available on GitHub
I needed a wiki for the home page of all browsers in my computers; lightweight and fast and without a visual editor because I think is easier to edit HTML/JS/CSS by hand.
Inspired by TigerWiki, created by Lex Blagus.