A theme for Oh My Fish.
$ omf install simple-ass-prompt
This is Mathias Bynens Bash prompt ported to Fish with a few changed icons and added functionalities. As he put it:
Shell prompt based on the Solarized Dark theme. Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/EkEtphC.png
Heavily inspired by @necolas’s prompt: https://github.com/necolas/dotfiles
iTerm → Profiles → Text → use 13pt Monaco with 1.1 vertical spacing.
- A dirty state of the branch is displayed by
- Untracked files are displayed by
- The existence of a stash is displayed by
- A clean branch is displayed by
- The branch is ahead with
- The branch is behind with
- The branch has diverged from upstream
- Support for Pythons virtual environments
- Support Rust active toolchain
- The last command failed is displayed with
in red
Git Usage
VirtualFish Usage
You can change the greeting message with:
set -g simple_ass_prompt_greeting MyGreeting