There is not yet a published package on JFrog and you will need to build the package manually using conan create . --version=latest
. This will be fixed soon.
No cross compiler profiles have been created yet, to use develop using this you currently need develop with the same archtecture and operating system as your build target. A Dockerfile has been provided for arm64 linux development. (Raspberry Pis and alike)
Userspace library for embedded linux
Git History for implementations of output_pin, input_pin, i2c, and serial can be seen here
for details.
Apache 2.0; see LICENSE
for details.
To learn about available kernel APIs, documentation will be be made available soon.
To see some example code on how various APIs are used, see the programs inside the demos
Following the π Getting Started instructions.
Coming soon, see important notice.
ON the device that is to run this code, a computer that is the same OS and architecture, or inside the provided docker container:
To build demos, start at the root of the repo and execute the following command:
conan build demos
The easiest way to get your compiled program onto hardware like a Raspberry Pi is via ssh. (Assuming your hardware's linux installation has sshd).
Run the following command:
scp path/to/your.bin username@hardware_device:new_path/to/app