A Sublime Text 2 plugin to automate adding the appropriate copyright text at the top of every file.
AutoCopyright is only compatible with Sublime Text 2 at this time. We have plans for upgrading it to support Sublime Text 3 when possible.
The awesome Package Control package is a great way to easily install and manage Sublime Text 2 packages.
- Install Package Control
- Press Control/Command+Shift+P to bring up the command palette
- Type PCIP (for Package Control: Install Package) and press Return
- Type AutoCopyright and press Return
Go to the "Packages" directory (Preferences
/ Browse Packages...
). Then clone this repository:
$ git clone git://github.com/lifted-studios/AutoCopyright
Edit the settings file by using the Preferences: AutoCopyright Settings - User
command in the command palette. Or it should open automatically the first time you use an AutoCopyright command.
"copyright message": "Copyright (c) %y by %o. All Rights Reserved."
This is the copyright message the plugin will use.
is replaced by the year or year range.%o
is replaced by the selected owner text.%f
is replaced by the current file name. -
"languages use line comments": ["Ruby"]
This is the list of languages that will use line comments for the copyright comment block even though block comments are available in the language.
"owner": [""]
You need to enter the text you want to show up as the primary copyright owner. If you have multiple copyright owners, then enter them as an array.
"padding": 1
This is the amount of padding around the line that contains the copyright. The default is one line above and below the copyright line.
Two functions will show up in the Command Palette under Auto Copyright
and another two will show up under Preferences
. Additionally, the Update Copyright
command will automatically be called just before any file is saved.
Adds the copyright text to the beginning of the file. It will add itself after a shebang line, if any. When the command is triggered, if there are multiple copyright owners configured in settings, it will pop up a list and ask which one to use.
Updates the copyright text already present in the file, but only if the text matches, including the copyright owner name except for the year. It will update the copyright year to include all years between the original year and this one. The command will update the copyright text for any of the configured owner texts.
Opens the default AutoCopyright settings file. This file should not be altered. Use the User settings file for your settings.
Opens the AutoCopyright user settings file. This is where you add your customizations.
Source: https://github.com/lifted-studios/AutoCopyright
Authors: Lee Dohm, Lifted Studios
All else is Copyright © 2013 Lee Dohm, Lifted Studios. See LICENSE for details.