Ding2 is a continuation of ding.TING Drupal distribution for libraries as part of the TING concept.
Drush http://drupal.org/project/drush Drush_make http://drupal.org/project/drush_make
Go into your Drupal installation path
cd DRUPAL/profiles
Clone the ding2 profile repository from github.
git clone [email protected]:DBCDK/ding2.git
Ding relies on recursive make files that might have the same projects defined in multiple places. If your drush make bombs on this, apply the latest patch from this issue: http://drupal.org/node/947158
wget http://drupal.org/files/issues/947158-recursive_2.patch
patch -p1 < 947158-recursive_2.patch
Place the install profile inside your Drupal installation, and run this command inside the profiles/ding2 folder:
drush make --no-core --contrib-destination=. ding2.make
If you want a developer version with Git working copies, run this command instead:
drush make --no-core --contrib-destination=. --working-copy ding2.make
If you want to have some dummy content added and a pre-filled main menu, you can install the 'artesis demo content' module from our git repository.