##This client-project is written for kbengine(a MMOG engine of server) http://www.kbengine.org
binarys : https://sourceforge.net/projects/kbengine/files/
1: Use git to update the KBE plugin(https://github.com/kbengine/kbengine_unity3d_plugins):
In the kbengine_unity3d_** directory:
* Git command: git submodule update --init
* Or use TortoiseGit(menu): TortoiseGit -> Submodule Update:
2: Or manually update the plugin
git clone https://github.com/kbengine/kbengine_unity3d_plugins.git
clone to Assets/plugins/kbengine/kbengine_unity3d_plugins
3: Build:
Unity Editor -> File -> Build Settings -> PC, MAC & Linux Standalone.
##Start the servers:
##Start the client:
Directly start.
Change the login address:
kbengine_unity3d_demo\Assets\Plugins\kbengine\clientapp.cs -> ip
The server to use recastnavigation navigation.
Generation Navmeshs: