External Adapter for Chainlink to query Alpha Vantages' APIs.
Built with Bridges.
To give Alpha Vantages own description:
Composed of a tight-knit community of researchers, engineers, and business professionals, Alpha Vantage Inc. is a leading provider of free APIs for realtime and historical data on stocks, forex (FX), and digital/crypto currencies. Our success is driven by rigorous research, cutting edge technology, and a disciplined focus on democratizing access to data.
To use this adapter on-chain, find a node that supports this adapter and build your request like so:
Chainlink.Request memory req = buildChainlinkRequest(jobId, this, this.fulfill.selector);
run.add("function", "GLOBAL_QUOTE");
run.add("symbol", "MSFT");
string[] memory copyPath = new string[](2);
copyPath[0] = "Global Quote";
copyPath[1] = "05. price";
Make sure Golang is installed.
make build
Then run the adapter:
API_KEY=apikey ./alphavantage-adapter
To run the container:
docker run -it -e API_KEY=apikey -p 8080:8080 linkpool/alphavantage-adapter
Container also supports passing in CLI arguments.
You can add and modify the keys to match what's specified in the API documentation.
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d @- << EOF
"jobRunId": "1234",
"data": {
"function": "GLOBAL_QUOTE",
"symbol": "MSFT"
"jobRunId": "1234",
"status": "completed",
"error": null,
"pending": false,
"data": {
"Global Quote": {
"01. symbol": "MSFT",
"02. open": "133.7900",
"03. high": "135.6500",
"04. low": "131.8284",
"05. price": "135.2800",
"06. volume": "26682074",
"07. latest trading day": "2019-08-07",
"08. previous close": "134.6900",
"09. change": "0.5900",
"10. change percent": "0.4380%"
"function": "GLOBAL_QUOTE",
"symbol": "MSFT"