CommonQuery is a plugin that help you build the http request body which has these field:
Usually we will build a map with these params and pass it to Dio which is boring and causing too much similar code. Use CommonQuery you only need to focus on your param's value.
// create a post request
var response ='your path',
data: CommonQuery.instance
.where('id', isEqualTo: '12345')
.where('create_at', isGreaterThan: 1641281281)
.orderBy('create_at', descending: true)
//this is your data's json format
"where": {
"id": {
"operation": [
"value_type": "string",
"opt": "eq",
"values": [
"create_at": {
"operation": [
"value_type": "int",
"opt": "Gt",
"values": [
"order_by": [
"field": "create_at",
"sort": "desc"
"limit": 10,
"skip": 0
If you want to map the data to another stucture, just call the CommonQuery's setFormatter function once before you use CommonQuery.
CommonQuery.instance.setFormatter((conditionMap) {
//just map the conditionMap to another map
"where": [
"order_by": [
"limit": 10,
"skip": 0