Setting up website uptime monitor inside Google Sheets is quick and easy.
1. Copy the Google Sheet to your Google Drive. If you using GSuite, please ensure that the Gmail service is enabled for your domain.
2. Go to Website Monitor > Configure and specify the website URL and email address to notify when the website is down or becomes inaccessible.
3. Click Save to start monitoring the uptime and downtime of the website. The email alerts are sent via the Gmail API.
4. (Optional) The Google Script can log the downtime in your Google Analytics.
Website Monitor is written in JavaScript (ES6) and compiled to Google Apps Script with Babel and Webpack using the Apps Script starter kit.
The starter kit is used for building popular Google add-ons include Gmail Mail Merge, Google Forms Notifications and Document Studio.
Amit Agarwal is a web geek and author of, a popular tech how-to website. He frequently uses Google Apps Script to automate workflows enhance productivity.
Reach him on Twitter or email [email protected]
MIT License (c) Amit Agarwal