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Local startup

To run project locally execute:

$  bundle exec jekyll serve

After that website could be acessed via URL


Refers to files within the _layouts directory, that define the markup for website.

  • default.html — The base layout that lays the foundation for subsequent layouts. The derived layouts inject their contents into this file at the line that says {{ content }}.
  • home.html — The layout for your landing-page / home-page / index-page. [More Info.]
  • page.html — The layout for your documents that contain FrontMatter, but are not posts.
  • post.html — The layout for your posts.
  • contact.html — Custom layout for contacts page.
  • 404.html — The layout for 404.


Refers to modules within the _includes directory that can be inserted in multiple layouts across website.

  • footer.liquid — Defines the site's footer section.

  • head.liquid — Code-block that defines the <head></head> in default layout.

  • header.liquid — Defines the site's main header section.

  • about-us.liquid — About Us on homepage. Attributes: title, heading, subheading, image, button, url

  • blog.liquid — Blog module

  • boxes.liquid — Default module to show boxed sections like 'FUTURE LANDSCAPES'. data sets a path to .yml array inside _data. Other attributes: heading, subheading. Columns number could be changed in cols.

  • breadcrumbs.liquid — Breadcrumbs module that included in heading module.

  • contact-us.liquid — Contact Us form.

  • continents.liquid — 'OTHER CONTINENTS' module from Europe/Oceania pages. Array of continents is stored in _data/continents.yml. heading could be customized in attributes. exclude sets continent to exclude from list (current continent).

  • contribute.liquid — 'HOW TO CONTRIBUTE' section from homepage. Attributes: title, heading, subheading, image, button, url

  • countries.liquid — Countries section from Europe/Oceania pages. data points to an array of countries. Example: _data/europe/countries.yml.

  • get-in-touch.liquid — 'GET IN TOUCH' section which automatically included in page layout. Attributes: heading, subheading, button, url

  • heading.liquid — Page heading which automatically included in page layout and could be customized in general oage settings. Attributes: heading, subtitle, background, image, alt, nobuttons, button1, button1_url, button2, button2_url

  • index.liquid — Homepage heading which automatically included in home layout and could be customized in general oage settings. Attributes: smalltitle, title, subtitle, image, nobuttons, button1, button1_url, button2, button2_url

  • organisations.liquid — 'ORGANISATIONS' module from About page. Array of organisations is stored in _data/organisations.yml. heading and all could be customized in attributes.

  • our-blog.liquid — 'OUR BLOG' module from About page. heading, title, all, url could be customized in attributes.

  • our-events.liquid — 'OUR EVENTS' module from About page. heading, title, all, url could be customized in attributes.

  • our-vision.liquid — 'OUR VISION' section from About page. Attributes: heading, subheading, image, alt


Array-like data is stored in _data folder and used for arrayed data by many modules.


Refers to various asset files within the assets directory.

  • assets/css/style.scss — Imports sass files from within the _sass directory and gets processed into the theme's stylesheet: _site/assets/css/styles.css.
  • assets/fonts/*.* — local fonts.
  • assets/img/*.* — site images.
  • assets/js/*.* — javascript.

Page settings


Those parameters are typical for all pages.

$  ---
$  layout: page
$  title: About
$  permalink: /about/
$  ---
  • layout: sets layout for current page
  • title: Page title which is used in <title> and in heading.liquid module.
  • permalink: sets final URL for current page (overrides default placement)


Customisation of headings inside layouts _layout/home.html and typical _layout/page.html is suported in general page settings.

$  ---
$  heading: Europe
$  subtitle: "We aim to capture the state and dynamics of Europe’s landscape."
$  background: "#07073f"
$  image: "/assets/img/heading/europe.jpg"
$  nobuttons: true
$  ---
  • heading: — sets page heading in heading.liquid module. If not set tetle is used.
  • subtitle: — sets small subheading in heading.liquid
  • background: — sets background color for heading.liquid
  • image: — URL for image on background of heading.liquid
  • nobuttons: true/false — turns on/off buttons in heading.liquid
  • button1, button2: — Buttons text in heading.liquid
  • button1_url, button2_url: — Buttons URL's in heading.liquid
  • nocontact: true/false — hides/shows get-in-touch.liquid module at the bottom.


This page uses default _layout/home.html layout.
Page heading settings are set in General settings at the top of page.

This page uses modules below with attibutes:

  • Search for Landscapes (search-landscapes.liquid) - Array of countries is stored in _data/continents.yml. heading could be set as attribute.
  • Future Landscapes (boxes.liquid) - Array of landscapes is fetched from in _data/future/index.yml. heading could be set as attribute.
  • About Us (about-us.liquid) - title, heading, subheading and image could be customized in attributes. button and url are button settings.
  • Past & Present Landscapes (tools.liquid) - Array of landscapes is stored in _data/past-present/index.yml. heading and subheading could be customized in attributes. all sets URL for 'View All' button.
  • Tools (tools.liquid) - Array of tools is stored in _data/tools.yml. heading and subheading could be customized in attributes.
  • Contribute (contribute.liquid) - title, heading, subheading and image could be customized in attributes. button and url are button settings.
  • Our Blog our-blog.liquid - Fetches latest blog posts. heading, title, all, url could be customized.

Future Landscapes

This page uses default _layout/page.html layout.
Page heading settings are set in General settings at the top of page.

This page uses modules below with attibutes:

  • Future Landscapes (boxes.liquid) - Array of landscapes is fetched from in _data/future/index.yml. heading and subheading could be set as attribute.

Past & Present Landscapes

This page uses default _layout/page.html layout.
Page heading settings are set in General settings at the top of page.

This page uses modules below with attibutes:

  • Tools (tools.liquid) - Array of tools is stored in _data/tools.yml. heading and subheading could be customized in attributes.


This page uses default _layout/page.html layout.
Page heading settings are set in General settings at the top of page.

This page uses modules below with attibutes:

  • Countries (countries.liquid) - Array of countries is stored in _data/europe/countries.yml.
  • Other Continents (continents.liquid) - Array of continents is stored in _data/continents.yml. heading could be customized in attributes. exclude sets continent to exclude from list (current continent).


This page uses default _layout/page.html layout.
Page heading settings are set in General settings at the top of page.

This page uses modules below with attibutes:

  • Countries (countries.liquid) - Array of countries is stored in _data/oceania/countries.yml.
  • Other Continents (continents.liquid) - Array of continents is stored in _data/continents.yml. heading could be customized in attributes. exclude sets continent to exclude from list (current continent).


This page uses default _layout/page.html layout.
Page heading settings are set in General settings at the top of page.

This page uses modules below with attibutes:

  • Who We Are who-we-are.liquid - heading and subheading could be set as strings, count attriblute sets big numbers (comma and semicolon separated string)
  • Our Vision our-vision.liquid - heading, subheading and image could be customized for this module
  • Living Earth tabs.liquid - static code module
  • Organisations organisations.liquid - heading set in attribute, _data/organisations.yml stores data array of organisations
  • Video video.liquid - heading, name, position, avatar, preview could be customized as attributes.
  • Our Blog our-blog.liquid - Fetches latest blog posts. heading, title, all, url could be customized.
  • Our Events our-events.liquid - Fetches latest events from blog. heading, title, all, url could be customized.


This page uses _layout/contact.html as layout.
Page heading settings are set in General settings at the top of page.

  • Contacts in left coulmn data could be added and customized simply using markdown markup.
  • Contact form source code is in _includes/contact-us.liquid

  • This page uses tool-earth-track-sidebar.liquid
  • I have a folder named json containing various JSON files intended for data storage. Each JSON file will be the data for each corresponding tab. It will contain information about the list of Feature such as coordinates, images, and legend.It will be processed logically and displayed on the screen using the filter-map.js file.
  • In this filter-map.js file, there are two parts. The first part defines the color codes for each Feature in the data. The second part performs functions on the page with Leaflet library.