Use offline
I'm not affiliated with, so I will not provide a regex101's package but this script will help you to create your own. It requires wget and to create a http-server.
Wget is available on OSX via brew (brew install wget
), on Linux (sudo apt-get install wget
) and Windows.
Wget's major strong side compared to curl is its ability to download recursively - (see this topic).
Python comes preinstalled on most Linux distributions and OSX, and it's very easy to create a http server with :
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
Otherwise, here is a big list of http static server and how to use them.
For windows, answers of this question on stackoverflow will help you.
If you only want to save regex101 you just have to paste these lines :
wget -r --no-host-directories --no-parent;
wget --output-document ./pcreWorker.js;
wget --output-document ./pcrelib.js;
You can find a script here : (thanks for you help @CodeMan99) to run your regex101 instance easily :
wget -O - | bash
- Powershell script