- PHP >7.2
- Composer
- Python3
- numpy
- cupy (optional - only use if you have a GPU, not recommended as it's not much faster than numpy tbh)
You will need to register for an API key here:
composer install
For all options use
php renderLocation.php --help
Any option can be defaulted in the given config.php
You can store commonly used locations under a key in locations.config.php
Command line args take precedence over conf options, so you can for example specify a different tile width or zoom level
Example command
php renderLocation.php -a YOUR_API_KEY --latitude 12.345 --longitude 123.456 --zoom 15 -x 5 -y 5 -e
php renderLocation.php -a YOUR_API_KEY --location central_london -e
The examples in this gist are generated using the following command:
php renderLocation.php -a YOUR_API_KEY -l 36.6271 -k 138.20453 -x 8 -y 8 -z 13 -e
On my XPS 15 9350 with i7 and 32GB ram, aside from downloading, the process takes around 15s to complete for this example.