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juliencruz edited this page Dec 6, 2014 · 3 revisions

We provide a variety of options that allow our users and contributors to easily get in contact with us regarding bugs, feature requests, and general questions. Feel free to use whichever media you prefer and don't hesitate to get in contact with us if you need help along the way.

Google Group

StreamFlow Google Group

The StreamFlow Google Group is the best way to help get your questions answered when you hit a bump in the road. The Google Group allows the team to engage in a detailed discussions to address your issue or questions and get you on your way. In addition, the group also provides a nice platform to suggest new features for our future releases as we can plan things out and address any conflicts or architectural changes.


GitHub StreamFlow Issues

GitHub issues is the best place to go when you have identified a bug or problem in the StreamFlow source code. This will allow us to track each bug independently and potentially assign them to a user for completion. We will also add tickets for any major enhancements we plan to complete for the next release. This is a good way to outline our development goals for the next release and begin assigning them to developers. If you see a feature that calls out to you, feel free to fork our repository and give us a hand. During this development process, we encourage our contributors to use comments to outline approaches to the problem and summarize your progress along the way.

Important: Before working any bug or enhancement ticket in the issues tool, please comment on the ticket to indicate to other contributors that you have begun work on the ticket. This will help reduce duplication of effort and keep all the modifications organized.


[email protected]

If none of the above options work for you, please feel free to email the StreamFlow group email account. We recommend using one of the above contact options, however if you run out of options don't hesitate to email us directly. We will do our best to respond to your issue in a timely manner.