This library allows to read files in TSPLIB format.
All types of problems in TSPLIB format are supported, except those with extension .problems
This package includes a copy of each file contained in the official TSPLIB archive.
The documentation is available here.
import io.github.lmores.tsplib.TspInstance;
import io.github.lmores.tsplib.TsplibArchive;
String[] filenames = TsplibArchive.extractTspFilenames();
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(filenames)); // ["a280.opt.tour", "a280.tsp", "ali535.tsp", ...]
TspInstance instance = TsplibArchive.loadTspInstance("a280.tsp");
System.out.println(; // "a280"
System.out.println(instance.comment()); // "drilling problem (Ludwig)"
System.out.println(instance.dimension()); // 280
System.out.println(instance.edgeWeightType()); // EUC_2D
System.out.println(instance.getEdgeWeight(0, 1)); // 20
Solutions solutions = TsplibArchive.loadTspTour("a280.opt.tour");
System.out.println(; // "./TSPLIB/a280.tsp.optbc.tour"
System.out.println(solutions.comment()); // ""
System.out.println(solutions.dimension()); // 280
System.out.println(; // 1
System.out.println(Arrays.toString([0])); // [0, 1, 241, 242, 243, ...]
// Analogous methods are available also for ATSP, HCP, SOP and VRP instances (see the javadoc).