My node-todo-api project, but designed to be deployed to heroku. The base Heroku URL I have created
Please Note the root path does nothing. You must access through the API.
Uses mongoose, body-parser, lodash, and express. For security, I'm using jsonwebtoken, and bcryptjs. For tests, I am using mocha, expect, and supertest.
String the text that describes what it is you want to do. Required
Boolean whether the text task is completed or not. default: false
Number Timestamp of when the task was completed. default: null This cannot be modified by the client
ObjectID The _id of the user that created this task. This is automatically set when you make an authorized POST request to make a todo object
todos: [
text: "Mow the lawn",
completed: false,
completedAt: null,
_creator: ObjectID('588511ab88cc370041e4fa80')
text: "Take out the trash",
completed: true,
completedAt: 1485051437005,
_creator: ObjectID('588511ab88cc370041e4fa80')
String the email of the user Required
String the password for the user. minimum length: 6
Array Contains two fields: access
and token
. These are set when a user is created and an x-auth
header is returned. You will need this x-auth
value to make requests and create todo objects
email: '[email protected]',
password: 'password'
returns list of all todo objects. x-auth header required
returns todo object of the id provided. x-auth header required
get the _id and email back. x-auth header required
create new todo item. In the request body, set raw json object with at least the text field. x-auth header required
create new user. In the request body, set raw json object with a valid email and password. x-auth will be returned in header and you will need this for other requests
lets you login with a valid user name and password that already exists. returns new x-auth header for the user
update the todo item of the id specified. In the request body, set raw json object of what you want to change.
completedAt cannot be modified by client. x-auth header required
delete the item of the id specified. x-auth header required
delete user based on x-auth header. x-auth header required