Golang API wrapper for https://lnpay.co/.
go get github.com/lnpay/lnpay-go
lnpaySecretKey := lnpay.TEST_KEY
// use your key here: "sak_..."
// you can find it at https://lnpay.co/developers/dashboard
client := lnpay.NewClient(lnpaySecretKey)
wallet, _ := client.CreateWallet("first wallet")
lntx, _ := wallet.Invoice(lnpay.InvoiceParams{
Memo: "wallet funding",
NumSatoshis: 1000,
PassThru: map[string]interface{}{
"useless_data": 123,
fmt.Printf("created invoice with lntx_id %s and payment hash %s.\n", lntx.ID, lntx.RHashDecoded)
details, _ := wallet.Details()
fmt.Printf("wallet %s (%s) has a balance of %d satoshis.\n", details.ID, details.UserLabel, details.Balance)
wtx, _ := wallet.Pay(PayParams{PaymentRequest: "lnbc1..."})
fmt.Printf("sent payment of %d satoshis to node %s.\n", wtx.NumSatoshis, wtx.LnTx.DestPubKey)