Releases: lobingera/Rsvg.jl
This release uses BinaryProvider.jl to download binaries.
length limit deprecated (for data/string input)
The Rsvg call handle_new_from_data(data::AbstractString) had an (internal) limit of 10MB. With the help of tkf a call to the GIO lib is introduced that handles the input string as stream and allows now longer strings (a length of 25MB is tested).
1.0 ready
reduce Gtk dependency
Following on on davidanthoff's help to take Gtk off the list of dependencies. Might work on 0.7 with deprecation warnings.
0.6 and precompile
Moving to a >= 0.6 release, including precompilation and some reorganisation on testing. CI testing is run on 0.6 and 0.7.
v0.6 ready
Target is to get v0.6 ready. This tests successful on appveyor Win64 (win32 problems with Gtk, a requirement) and linux on travis. OSX on travis shows an issue in v0.6: