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General Discord bot for personal use - JDA/Kotlin/Mongo


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JVM Discord Bot used to log all the things, and offer utility commands.

Designed for personal use, though you're most welcome to use lachsbot within the bounds of its License.



The bot logs a handful of events, hopefully more over time. Messages received, updated, and deleted, members banned or unbanned from guilds, and members joining/leaving guilds are some example events that are logged in detail by lachsbot.

There are cases where Discord's API does not provide very useful information in logs, especially for the message deleted event, where it only provides us with the ID of the message that was deleted. By storing received and updated messages in MongoDB, lachsbot will try to piece together what the last known content of the deleted message was, making it far easier for moderators to check for rulebreakers abusing message deletion.

Slash Commands

Some slash commands are provided, such as:

  1. /purge (Moderators Only)

    This will clear the 10 most recent messages sent in the channel the command is ran.

  2. /shutdown (Admins Only)

    This softly shuts down the bot, just as a killswitch in case it goes rogue. ;)


lachsbot features a basic CLI system allowing for administrative control over the bot. The following CLI commands are provided:

  1. exit

    Softly shuts down the bot.

  2. help

    View a list of available commands within the CLI. The information it provides is automatically populated, and paginated.

  3. reload

    Soft-reload functionality, mostly just to reload the configuration files.

  4. status

    Check the status of the bot, such as its JVM uptime.

Tech Stack

Thanks to the following projects for making this bot possible.

  • JDA (Java Discord API)

    Fantastic library to interact with the Discord API

  • MongoDB

    Quick and easy storage solution for the logs

  • Kotlin

    A more enjoyable programming experience for the JVM

  • Docker

    Building and deploying the app on any machine

  • Configurate

    Seamless configuration library

  • Maven

    Robust build system

  • IntelliJ IDEA

    Intelligent IDE for Kotlin/Java


These instructions are for Docker. If you don't want to use DOcker, you can alternatively build and run it locally using JDK 8, Maven, and MongoDB.

Docker commands below may require root privileges (sudo).


  1. Download this project (git clone or just Download ZIP on GitHub).
  2. Adjust your working directory (cd).
  3. Run docker compose up -d.
  4. Optionally, stop the bot using docker compose down, and make any necessary configuration changes.


  • master

    This branch usually contains the same code that was used to compile the latest published Release binary.

  • dev/<version>

    (Where <version> denotes a version being developed.)

    Development branches for specific versions. Can eventually be merged into master.

  • feat/<feature>

    (Where <feature> denotes a feature being developed.)

    Major features can get their own branch to eventually be merged into dev/....


Absolutely no support is provided for this project.

You are most welcome to create issues on the GitHub repository to report issues.

Please feel free to email me if you need to contact me over a private channel.

Copyright Notice

Copyright (C) 2024 Lachlan Adamson et al.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see


General Discord bot for personal use - JDA/Kotlin/Mongo



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