Voxel engine with procedural generated landscape.
- cmake
- postgre
- development headers/libs for
- glm
- assimp
- lua >= 5.3
- sdl2 > 2.0.4
- libcurl
- postgresql-server-dev >= 9.5
- libpq
- nativefiledialog (+gtk3 or qt on linux)
- enet
- zlib
- libuv
- turbobadger
- gtest
- opencl
- qt (for the rcon tool)
Some of these dependencies might not be available as packages in your toolchain - most of them are also bundled with the application. But local installed headers always have the higher priority.
apt-get install libglm-dev libassimp-dev lua5.3 liblua5.3-dev libsdl2-dev postgresql-server-dev-10 libpq-dev libenet-dev libgtk-3-dev qt5-default qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools opencl-c-headers
If you want to run the database server locally, you have to install the postgres server package:
apt-get install postgresql-10
pacman [...]
port install qt5 postgresql95-server
vcpkg install sdl2 curl libuv zlib libpq lua glm glslang gtest qt5
You can just run make
in the project root folder.
The tests need a postgres database named engine
and a user named engine
with the password.... engine
(you can modify them via cvars). If no OpenGL or OpenCL context is available, the related tests are skipped.
For more information, please check out the wiki or the doxygen documentation.