This repository contains experimental Swift bindings for Loro CRDT.
If you have any suggestions for API, please feel free to create an issue or join our Discord community.
export and import -
Container - Checkout
- Subscribe Event
- UndoManager
- Bindings for all types in Loro
- Tests
- Benchmarks
Add the dependency in your Package.swift
let package = Package(
name: "your-project",
products: [......],
.package(url: "", from: "1.3.0")
dependencies:[.product(name: "Loro", package: "loro-swift")],
import Loro
// create a Loro document
let doc = LoroDoc()
// create Root Container by getText, getList, getMap, getTree, getMovableList, getCounter
let text = doc.getText(id: "text")
try! text.insert(pos: 0, s: "abc")
try! text.delete(pos: 0, len: 1)
let s = text.toString()
// XCTAssertEqual(s, "bc")
// subscribe the event
let sub = doc.subscribeRoot{ diffEvent in
// export updates or snapshot
let doc2 = LoroDoc()
let snapshot = doc.export(mode: ExportMode.snapshot)
let updates = doc.export(mode: ExportMode.updates(from: VersionVector()))
// import updates or snapshot
let status = try! doc2.import(snapshot)
let status2 = try! doc2.import(updates)
// import batch of updates or snapshot
try! doc2.importBatch(bytes: [snapshot, updates])
// checkout to any version
let startFrontiers = doc.oplogFrontiers()
try! doc.checkout(frontiers: startFrontiers)
If you wanna build and develop this project with MacOS, you need first run this script:
export LOCAL_BUILD=1
sh ./scripts/
The script will run uniffi
and generate the
- Automerge-swift:
uses many ofautomerge-swift
's scripts for building and CI.