I put together some links for the curious here.
BEWARE The following repositories contain very old code that you may not be able to run on modern setups. And you maybe should not run them, unless you gave them a once-over in terms of security.
The versions 0.9.0 through 0.9.7 can be obtained on [SourceForge](https://sourceforge.net/p/lotgd/activity/?page=0&limit=100#54cec2fbe88f3d0c46367801] or the internet archive.
German translation of the 0.9.7+jt edition, with additional extensions souch as houses, flirting and marriage and more.
The creative commons line of development.
Additionally, I have collected some modules in this repository:
An overhaul of the german edition, with changes basically too many to list.
Continuation of the above.
- DragonSlaver v3
- 0.9.7+jt DE v2, v1
- Version 0.9.8 Beta / Pre-Release
I have also put together an archive of miscellanious code that I have obtained from the source.php of various servers:
And I have also found a ultility tool for writing colored text which I mirrored here: