There following services are available:
- PersonService
- CompanyService
- ProjectService
- InvoiceService
- PaymentService
- TimeService (partially) For more information:
- Searching returns a dict:
{"count": 0, "results": [], "status_code": 200}
- Fetching detailed information, ex. find_by_id, returns a dict or None
from tfsoffice import Client
from getpass import getpass
username = raw_input('Enter username: ')
password = getpass()
apikey = getpass('Enter your API key: ')
# authenticate
api = Client(username, password, apikey)
# search for person by name
people = api.persons.find_by_name('rune')
if people['count']:
# get detailed info about a person
person_id = people['results'][0]['Id']
person = api.persons.find_by_id(person_id)
# list all projects assigned to you
projects = api.projects.find_mine()
# search for a company
customers = api.companies.find_by_name('dataselskapet')
# get detailed information about a company
dataselskapet = api.companies.find_by_id(102)
# list all projects assigned to a company
projects = api.projects.find_by_customerid(59)
# project view
project = api.projects.find_by_customerid(59)
# project view with more details
project = api.projects.find_by_customerid(59)
# project view with all details
project = api.projects.find_by_id(29)