Course materials for DSCC-202-402
Sign up for a new github account
Could you unlock the dsc402 repository into your new account? Note: this will create a copy of the course repo for you to add and work on within your
own account.
Go to and hit the fork button while you are logged into your GitHub account.
git clone note: you may want to clone this repo into a directory on your machine that you organize for code e.g. /home/your-account-name/code/github
Note: /home/[your account name] should be /Users/[your account name] to work with the paths that are defined in Mac OS X.
Login to Blackboard to access Databricks Workspace
Here is some helpful information about importing archives into the Databricks Environment: Getting Started
Import the DBC archive from the Learning Spark v2 GitHub repository into your account. (this is the code that goes along with the test book) DBC Archive
Import the DBC archives for the class after unzipping on your machine.
- asp.dbc apache spark programming
- de.dbc data engineering with delta lake and spark
- ml.dbc machine learning on spark
Install docker on your computer
Pull the all-spark-notebook image from docker hub:
Launch the docker image to open a Jupyter Lab instance in your local browser:
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 --name all-spark --volume /home/[your account name]/code/github:/home/jovyan/work lpalum/dsc402 Jupyter lab
This will start a Jupyter lab instance on your machine that you will be able to access at port 8888 in your browser, and it will mount the GitHub repo that you previously cloned into the container working directory.