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Harlequin: Color-driven Generation of Synthetic Data for Referring Expression Comprehension

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Harlequin Dataset

Luca Parolari, Elena Izzo, Lamberto Ballan

[paper] [code] [poster] [graphical abstract] [2 min video]

🌟 Accepted to ICPR 2024


This repository contains the pytorch implementation of Harlequin's dataloader and resources for downloading Harlequin's annotation and image files. For details, see the paper Harlequin: Color-driven Generation of Synthetic Data for Referring Expression Comprehension.

Table of Contents


Referring Expression Comprehension (REC) aims to identify a particular object in a scene by a natural language expression, and is an important topic in visual language understanding.

State-of-the-art methods for this task are based on deep learning, which generally requires expensive and manually labeled annotations. Some works tackle the problem with limited-supervision learning or relying on Large Vision and Language Models. However, the development of techniques to synthesize labeled data is overlooked.

In this paper, we propose a novel framework that generates artificial data for the REC task, taking into account both textual and visual modalities. At first, our pipeline processes existing data to create variations in the annotations.

Then, it generates an image using altered annotations as guidance. The result of this pipeline is a new dataset, called Harlequin, made by more than 1M queries.

This approach eliminates manual data collection and annotation, enabling scalability and facilitating arbitrary complexity.

We pre-train two REC models on Harlequin, then fine-tuned and evaluated on human-annotated datasets. Our experiments show that the pre-training on artificial data is beneficial for performance.

Read the paper 🚀

Our pipeline



  • 2024-12-04: presented the poster at ICPR 2024
  • 2024-11-25: our paper is on arXiv!
  • 2024-11-22: release of annotation files
  • 2024-08-31: uploaded camera ready
  • 2024-08-05: accepted to ICPR 2024
  • 2024-06-18: poster presented at SynData4CV @ CVPR 2024
  • 2024-06-17: code released
  • 2024-04-09: accepted to SynData4CV @ CVPR 2024


We release two versions of Harlequin: full and cleaned. The full version includes all images and annotations generated by our pipeline, while the cleaned version has undergone an automatic and aggressive filtering process. Specifically, we removed any image where at least one object's color does not accurately match the description in the text.

Full split

Better for pre-training large models

Download: [annotations]

set n. images n. instances
train 259,930 988,343
val 13,584 52,554
test 13,434 52,284

Cleaned split

Better for accuracy

Download: [annotations]

set n. images n. instances
train 97,010 327,564
val 4,902 16,734
test 4,971 16,945


Please send an email request.

Data format and setup

Harlequin is exported in coco format, and provides three annotation files (one for train, test and valiation set) that must be in annotations folder. Images must be in images folder.

`-- harlequin
    |-- annotations
    |   |-- instances_train.json
    |   |-- instances_val.json
    |   `-- instances_test.json
    `-- images


  • (Optional) Setup the environment with Anaconda (or Miniconda)
  • Python >= 3.10
pip install harlequin-dataset


Basic usage

from harlequin import HarlequinDataset

harlequin = HarlequinDataset(

print(len(harlequin))  # 13434

Using targets

from harlequin import HarlequinDataset

ds = HarlequinDataset(
    "data/harlequin/images", "data/harlequin/annotations/instances_test.json"

i = 0  # simulating a training setp

sample_id = ds.get_id(i)

img = ds.get_image(sample_id)
img_ann = ds.get_image_ann(sample_id)
tgt_ann = ds.get_target_ann(sample_id)

# harlequin comes with both captions and queries,
# we can extract queries from caption using indexes
caption = img_ann["caption"]
queries = [
    caption[query_pos[0] : query_pos[1]]
    for tgt in tgt_ann
    if (query_pos := tgt["tokens_positive"][0])

# The man with a gray jacket and cyan sunglasses is holding cameras and standing in front of a car .

# ['cyan sunglasses', 'a gray jacket', 'cameras', 'a car', 'The man']

# each target has a bounding box associated, identifying it in the image
boxes = [tgt["bbox"] for tgt in tgt_ann]

# [[222, 120, 115, 35], [53, 164, 438, 292], [83, 336, 356, 136], [1, 372, 464, 139], [56, 70, 432, 441]]

Reference API

The HarlequinDataset class inherits from torchvision.datasets.CocoDetection and this from

It provides two standard methods:

  • __len__ to retrieve dataset length, and
  • __getitem__ to retrieve a dataset sample along with its annotations by id. This method returns a tuple, where the first element is a PIL.Image.Image representing the image and the second a list of dicts representing targets. (See below for target.)

Our implementation provides few additional methods that simplify the interface and, in some cases, make the code faster.

  • get_id, return the int representing the sample id associated to given index;
  • get_image, return the PIL.Image.Image image instance given sample id;
  • get_image_ann, return image's annotations given sample id in the form of a dict with the following structure
  • get_target_ann, return target's annotations given sample id in the form of a list of dict with following structure:


We provide some useful scripts to search and visualize samples in the dataset.

Search the dataset

Run python -m tools.ds_search --help for more information.

$ python -m tools.ds_search --search "a \w+ dog runs through a field" --root --root data/harlequin/images --ann_file data/harlequin/annotations/instances_test.json
sample_id                                i     caption
---------------------------------------  ----  ----------------------------------
45832072286111431511163412646150256014   1815  a blue dog runs through a field .
47795822623162357528822822313898616472   1896  a blue dog runs through a field .
73296849640710715671926387036903824163   2922  a white dog runs through a field .
120493081802089305802189965019655331752  4823  a green dog runs through a field .
171348737941932910553095239170133267695  6757  a black dog runs through a field .
251972281794307404298339469034250622018  9951  a red dog runs through a field .
Found 6 entries

Visualize some samples

$ python -m tools.ds_show --index 1815 1896 --visualize annotation --root data/harlequin/images --ann_file data/harlequin/annotations/instances_test.json

docs/examples/annotation_1815.png docs/examples/annannotation_1896.png


      title={Harlequin: Color-driven Generation of Synthetic Data for Referring Expression Comprehension}, 
      author={Luca Parolari and Elena Izzo and Lamberto Ballan},


Please read the file to setup a development environment and submit your contribution.

This repository is structured as follows:

  • data contains datasets (images, annotations, etc)
  • docs contains documentation about the project
  • notebooks contains *.ipynb files
  • harlequin is the main package
  • tests contains possible unit tests
  • tools contains useful scripts and commands for the project


Our Makefile provides some utilities for testing and formatting the code:

❯ make
Usage: make <target>

help:                  ## Show the help.
fmt:                   ## Format code using black & isort.
test:                  ## Run tests.
test-cov:              ## Run tests and generate coverage report.
virtualenv:            ## Create a virtual environment.
install:               ## Install dependencies.
precommit-install:     ## Install pre-commit hooks.
precommit-uninstall:   ## Uninstall pre-commit hooks.
release:               ## Create a new tag for release.


  • test runs pytest and executes all the unit tests listed in tests folder
  • fmt formats the code using black and organizes the import though isort

Manual commands

If you want to manually run those utilities use:

  • pytest -v --cov-config .coveragerc --cov=harlequin -l --tb=short --maxfail=1 tests/ for testing
  • coverage html for the coverage report
  • isort *.py harlequin/ to organize imports
  • black *.py harlequin/ for the code style