Create-drupal-project script This is a fork from the create-project.php script from Vinicius Krolow gist ( This script was created to enable a easy way to create Drupal projects from the command line, using Drush and some defaut variables
Download the script and run it as root user
Example: sudo php create-drupal-project.php drupaltest1 /home/lrcarvalho/Projects/Code/drupaltest1
* $argv[1]: "drupaltest1"
Project Name. Also will be used in the browser as the project URL
* $argv[2]: "/home/lrcarvalho/Projects/Code/drupaltest1".
Folder path. Folder where thr project will be created and last version of Drupal will be downloaded
Seems a Stable version. Fell free to test it. Also, fell free to modify or change this script.