Cordova Plugin for StartApp Ads. This Cordova Plugin is made to use StartApp Ads with Frameworks like Ionic. You can use Banner Ads, Interstitial Ads and Video Reward Ads. Easy to implement and easy to use. Please read the documentation below! |
First you need to install the cordova plugin in your Ionic Project with Cordova CLI
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-startapp-ads
or with URL
ionic cordova plugin add
To start declare the Plugin below your imports: NOTE: This must be declared in every Page where you want to use StartAppAds!
import ..... //your imports
declare var StartAppAds:any;
Now you need to init your Plugin with your App ID from StartApp first. I would recommend to do it in your app.component.ts file when platfrom is ready.
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
if("android")) {
Nice! :) Now you can use StartAppAds everywhere in your project.
Show a Banner Ad on the bottom of your app. (I recommend to either do this in app.components.ts or in the constructor of any other page).
Hide the Banner
Events you can subscribe to (recommended to put it in the constructor of any page):
document.addEventListener('startappads.banner.load', () => {
//banner has been loaded and displayed.
//do something here
document.addEventListener('startappads.banner.load_fail', () => {
//banner failed to load
//do something here
//IMPORTANT: if banner failed to load dont use StartAppAds.showBanner(); again. StartAppAds will load a new one by itself!
document.addEventListener('startappads.banner.clicked', () => {
//banner has been clicked
//do something here. Usefull to hide banner to prevent click bombing.
document.addEventListener('startappads.banner.hide', () => {
//banner has been removed
//do something here
Show a Interstitial Ad:
Events you can subscribe to (recommended to put it in the constructor of any page):
document.addEventListener('startappads.interstitial.closed', () => {
//interstitial closed by user
//do something here
document.addEventListener('startappads.interstitial.displayed', () => {
//interstitial showed up
//do something here
document.addEventListener('startappads.interstitial.clicked', () => {
//interstitial clicked by user
//do something here
document.addEventListener('startappads.interstitial.not_displayed', () => {
//interstitial loaded and ready but somehow not showed to user
//do something here
document.addEventListener('startappads.interstitial.load_fail', () => {
//interstitial failed to load
//do something here
Do not call `showInterstitial()` from within `load_fail` event. The SDK will automatically try to reload an ad upon a failure.
Show a Rewarded Video Ad:
Events you can subscribe to (recommended to put it in the constructor of any page):
document.addEventListener('startappads.reward_video.reward', () => {
//user watched video reward can be given now
//do something here
document.addEventListener('startappads.reward_video.load', () => {
//reward video finished loading
//do something here
document.addEventListener('startappads.reward_video.closed', () => {
//user closed video reward
//do something here
document.addEventListener('startappads.reward_video.clicked', () => {
//user click on video reward
//do something here
document.addEventListener('startappads.reward_video.load_fail', () => {
//reward video failed to load. Probably no Ads available at the moment
//do something here
If this project help you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee (or a Beer of course) :)
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