This library provides a simple way to obtain 3 harmonic colors among them based on an image. This is based on the way Android Oreo's Media Notification does it:
Simply add the following dependency to your build.gradle file to use the latest version:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.LeonardoSM04:HarmonicColorExtractor:1.0.0'
HarmonicColors harmonicColors = new HarmonicColorExtractor.Builder.setBitmap(bitmap).getColors();
HarmonicColors is a class that contains the three colors extracted from the image. You can get them by using .getBackgroundColor(), .getFirstForegroundColor() and .getSecondForegroundColor().
You have to set a bitmap by using .setBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) and use .getColors() at the end in order to get the colors.
You can customize the way the library gets the colors:
- Set the background extraction region by using .setBackgroundRegion(int left, int top, int right, int bottom).
- Set the foreground extraction region by using .setForegroundRegion(int left, int top, int right, int bottom).
- You can resize the size of the bitmap by using .setResizeBitmapArea(int resizeBitmapArea).
For example:
HarmonicColors harmonicColors = new HarmonicColorExtractor.Builder.setBitmap(bitmap) .setBackgroundRegion(0,0, bitmap.getWidth() / 2, bitmap.getHeight()) .setForegroundRegion(bitmap.getWidth() / 2, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight()) .setResizeBitmapArea(150 * 150) .getColors();
Refer to this link in order to know how positioning works.
- You can use some of this presets: .setLeftSide(), .setTopSide(), .setRightSide(), .setBottomSide(). These presets will get the background color from the indicated side and the foreground colors from the opposite side.
For example:
HarmonicColors harmonicColors = new HarmonicColorExtractor.Builder.setBitmap(bitmap).setLeftSide().getColors();
Much of the source code of the library has been obtained from the source code of Android. I only adapted it to have a simpler way to use it anywhere.