is a tool that, given a main color and an array of unique colors, returns a list of those colors
ordered relatively to the main color.
const harmonizedColors = {
mainColor: [88, 24, 69],
additionalColors: [
[255, 195, 0],
[255, 87, 51],
[199, 0, 57]
How to get array of unique colors from an image? Take a look at:
Just run:
npm install color-harmonizer
It is pretty straightforward:
import ImageToColors from "iamge-to-colors"; // Using image-to-colors to get all the colors from an image
import MainColorsPicker from "main-colors-picker"; // Using main-colors-picker to get an array of unique main colors
import ColorHarmonizer from "color-harmonizer";
const image = document.getElementById('myImage');
const colors = ImageToColors.get(image);
const mainColors = MainColorsPicker.get(colors);
const harmonizedColors = ColorHarmonizer.get(mainColors);
By default, the first color in the array of colors is taken as the main color. You can specify another main color by indicating its index in the array.
const harmonizedColors = ColorHarmonizer.get(colors, 2); // This will the color in the index 2 (position 3)