is a simple tool that gives you all the colors from an image. A color is just an array of 3 numbers
whose values are from 0 to 255. Yes, they are the RGB values!
const colors = [[25, 50, 75], [3, 120, 60], [90, 27, 9], [210, 160, 180]];
Colors are obtained by collecting the pixels of the image: from left to right, from top to bottom.
Just run:
npm install image-to-colors
- Is your image already loaded? You can use an
or anHTMLCanvasElement
as a source!
import ImageToColors from "image-to-colors";
const myImage = document.getElementById('myImage');
const myColors = ImageToColors.get(myImage);
- Do you want to get them from a URL? No problem!
import ImageToColors from "image-to-colors";
const url = '';
let myColors;
ImageToColors.getFromExternalSource(url).then((colors) => {
myColors = colors;
You can pass a second argument with some adjustments you want to make for color extraction.
// Scale the image to the indicated percentage, changing its resolution but maintaining its aspect ratio.
detailingPercentage: number;
// Indicates a specific part of the image from which to extract colors.
cuttingParameters: {
// The way in which the cutting dimensions will be calculated.
mode: ImageToColorsCuttingMode;
// The x-axis point of the top-left corner of the rectangle from which the colors will be extracted.
cutFromX: number;
// The y-axis point of the top-left corner of the rectangle from which the colors will be extracted.
cutFromY: number;
// The width of the rectangle from which the colors will be extracted.
cutWidth: number;
// The height of the rectangle from which the colors will be extracted.
cutHeight: number;
// Set to true if you are having problems with images not loading into canvas because of CORS.
setImageCrossOriginToAnonymous: boolean;