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Modified Czar to allow pulling result files from workers
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The new version of the result merger at Czar would dynamically determine
which protocol should be used for pulling results from workers: SSI stream,
a file read via the XROOTD file protocol, or a file read via the HTTP
protocol. In case of the last two options, the merger would also also
utomatically tell a worker to delete the result file upon completion of
the merge (including the unsuccessful ones).

A choice of the delivery method is based on the optional
fileds in the Protobuf messages received from workers.
It's up to the workers to decide on what method to select.
  • Loading branch information
iagaponenko committed Jul 19, 2023
1 parent 0376450 commit 4260547
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Showing 2 changed files with 287 additions and 3 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/ccontrol/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ add_dependencies(ccontrol proto)

target_include_directories(ccontrol PRIVATE

target_sources(ccontrol PRIVATE
Expand All @@ -28,8 +29,10 @@ target_link_libraries(ccontrol PUBLIC

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287 changes: 284 additions & 3 deletions src/ccontrol/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,12 @@
#include "ccontrol/MergingHandler.h"

// System headers
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>

// Third-party headers
#include "XrdCl/XrdClFile.hh"

// LSST headers
#include "lsst/log/Log.h"
Expand All @@ -38,22 +43,269 @@
#include "proto/ProtoImporter.h"
#include "proto/WorkerResponse.h"
#include "qdisp/JobQuery.h"
#include "replica/HttpClient.h"
#include "rproc/InfileMerger.h"
#include "util/Bug.h"
#include "util/common.h"
#include "util/StringHash.h"

using lsst::qserv::proto::ProtoHeader;
using lsst::qserv::proto::ProtoHeaderWrap;
using lsst::qserv::proto::ProtoImporter;
using lsst::qserv::proto::Result;
using lsst::qserv::proto::WorkerResponse;
using lsst::qserv::replica::HttpClient;

using namespace std;

namespace {
LOG_LOGGER _log = LOG_GET("lsst.qserv.ccontrol.MergingHandler");

string xrootdStatus2str(XrdCl::XRootDStatus const& s) {
return "status=" + to_string(s.status) + ", code=" + to_string(s.code) + ", errNo=" + to_string(s.errNo) +
", message='" + s.GetErrorMessage() + "'";

* Extract the file path (including both slashes) from the XROOTD-style URL.
* Input:
* @code
* "xroot://<server>:<port>//<path>""
* @code
* Output:
* @code
* "//<path>""
* @code
string xrootUrl2path(string const& xrootUrl) {
string const delim = "//";
auto firstPos = xrootUrl.find(delim, 0);
if (string::npos != firstPos) {
// Resume serching at the first character following the delimiter.
auto secondPos = xrootUrl.find(delim, firstPos + 2);
if (string::npos != secondPos) {
return xrootUrl.substr(secondPos);
throw runtime_error("MergingHandler::" + string(__func__) + " illegal file resource url: " + xrootUrl);

bool readXrootFileResourceAndMerge(lsst::qserv::proto::Result const& result,
function<bool(char const*, uint32_t)> const& messageIsReady) {
string const context = "MergingHandler::" + string(__func__) + " ";

// Extract data from the input result object before modifying the one.
string const xrootUrl = result.fileresource_xroot();

// The algorithm will read the input file to locate result objects containing rows
// and call the provided callback for each such row.
XrdCl::File file;
XrdCl::XRootDStatus status;
status = file.Open(xrootUrl, XrdCl::OpenFlags::Read);
if (!status.IsOK()) {
context << "failed to open " << xrootUrl << ", " << xrootdStatus2str(status));
return false;

// Temporary buffer for messages read from the file. The buffer will be (re-)allocated
// as needed to get the largest message. Note that a size of the messages won't exceed
// a limit set in ProtoHeaderWrap::PROTOBUFFER_HARD_LIMIT.
unique_ptr<char[]> buf;
size_t bufSize = 0;

uint64_t offset = 0; // A location of the next byte to be read from the input file.
bool success = true;
try {
while (true) {
// Read the frame header that carries a size of the subsequent message.
uint32_t msgSizeBytes = 0;
uint32_t bytesRead = 0;
status = file.Read(offset, sizeof(uint32_t), reinterpret_cast<char*>(&msgSizeBytes), bytesRead);
if (!status.IsOK()) {
throw runtime_error(context + "failed to read next frame header (" +
to_string(sizeof(uint32_t)) + " bytes) at offset " + to_string(offset) +
" from " + xrootUrl + ", " + xrootdStatus2str(status));
offset += bytesRead;

if (bytesRead == 0) break;
if (bytesRead != sizeof(uint32_t)) {
throw runtime_error(context + "read " + to_string(bytesRead) + " bytes instead of " +
to_string(sizeof(uint32_t)) +
" bytes when reading next frame header at offset " +
to_string(offset - bytesRead) + " from " + xrootUrl + ", " +
if (msgSizeBytes == 0) break;
if (msgSizeBytes > ProtoHeaderWrap::PROTOBUFFER_HARD_LIMIT) {
throw runtime_error(context + "message size of " + to_string(msgSizeBytes) +
" bytes at the frame header read at offset " +
to_string(offset - bytesRead) + " exceeds the hard limit set to " +
to_string(ProtoHeaderWrap::PROTOBUFFER_HARD_LIMIT) + " bytes, from " +
xrootUrl + ", " + xrootdStatus2str(status));

// (Re-)allocate the buffer if needed.
if (bufSize < msgSizeBytes) {
bufSize = msgSizeBytes;
buf.reset(new char[bufSize]);

// Read the message.
size_t bytes2read = msgSizeBytes;
while (bytes2read != 0) {
uint32_t bytesRead = 0;
status = file.Read(offset, bytes2read, buf.get(), bytesRead);
if (!status.IsOK()) {
throw runtime_error(context + "failed to read " + to_string(bytes2read) +
" bytes at offset " + to_string(offset) + " from " + xrootUrl + ", " +
if (bytesRead == 0) {
throw runtime_error(context + "read 0 bytes instead of " + to_string(bytes2read) +
" bytes at offset " + to_string(offset) + " from " + xrootUrl + ", " +
offset += bytesRead;
bytes2read -= bytesRead;
success = messageIsReady(buf.get(), msgSizeBytes);
if (!success) break;
} catch (exception const& ex) {
LOGS(_log, LOG_LVL_ERROR, ex.what());
success = false;
status = file.Close();
if (!status.IsOK()) {
context << "failed to close " << xrootUrl << ", " << xrootdStatus2str(status));

// Remove the file from the worker if it still exists. Report and ignore errors.
// The files will be garbage-collected by workers.
XrdCl::FileSystem fileSystem(xrootUrl);
status = fileSystem.Rm(xrootUrl2path(xrootUrl));
if (!status.IsOK()) {
context << "failed to remove " << xrootUrl << ", " << xrootdStatus2str(status));
return success;

bool readHttpFileAndMerge(lsst::qserv::proto::Result const& result,
function<bool(char const*, uint32_t)> const& messageIsReady) {
string const context = "MergingHandler::" + string(__func__) + " ";

// Extract data from the input result object before modifying the one.
string const httpUrl = result.fileresource_http();

// A location of the next byte to be read from the input file. The variable
// is used for error reporting.
uint64_t offset = 0;

// Temporary buffer for messages read from the file. The buffer gets automatically
// resized to fit the largest message.
unique_ptr<char[]> msgBuf;
size_t msgBufSize = 0;
size_t msgBufNext = 0; // An index of the next character in the buffer.

// Fixed-size buffer to store the message size.
string msgSizeBuf(sizeof(uint32_t), '\0');
size_t msgSizeBufNext = 0; // An index of the next character in the buffer.

// The size of the next/current message. The variable is set after succesfully parsing
// the message length header and is reset back to 0 after parsing the message body.
// The value is stays 0 while reading the frame header.
uint32_t msgSizeBytes = 0;
bool success = true;
try {
HttpClient reader("GET", httpUrl);[&](char const* inBuf, size_t inBufSize) {
char const* next = inBuf;
char const* const end = inBuf + inBufSize;
while (next < end) {
if (msgSizeBytes == 0) {
// Continue or finish reading the frame header.
size_t const bytes2read =
std::min(sizeof(uint32_t) - msgSizeBufNext, (size_t)(end - next));
std::memcpy( + msgSizeBufNext, next, bytes2read);
next += bytes2read;
offset += bytes2read;
msgSizeBufNext += bytes2read;
if (msgSizeBufNext == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
// Done reading the frame header.
msgSizeBufNext = 0;
// Parse and evaluate the message length.
msgSizeBytes = *(reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(;
if (msgSizeBytes == 0) {
throw runtime_error(context + "message size is 0 at offset " +
to_string(offset - sizeof(uint32_t)) + ", file: " + httpUrl);
if (msgSizeBytes > ProtoHeaderWrap::PROTOBUFFER_HARD_LIMIT) {
throw runtime_error(context + "message size " + to_string(msgSizeBytes) +
" at offset " + to_string(offset - sizeof(uint32_t)) +
" exceeds the hard limit of " +
to_string(ProtoHeaderWrap::PROTOBUFFER_HARD_LIMIT) +
", file: " + httpUrl);
// Extend the message buffer (if needed). Note that buffer never gets
// truncated to avoid excessive memory deallocations/allocations.
if (msgBufSize < msgSizeBytes) {
msgBufSize = msgSizeBytes;
msgBuf.reset(new char[msgBufSize]);
} else {
// Continue or finish reading the message body.
size_t const bytes2read =
std::min((size_t)msgSizeBytes - msgBufNext, (size_t)(end - next));
std::memcpy(msgBuf.get() + msgBufNext, next, bytes2read);
next += bytes2read;
offset += bytes2read;
msgBufNext += bytes2read;
if (msgBufNext == msgSizeBytes) {
// Done reading message body.
msgBufNext = 0;
// Parse and evaluate the message.
bool const success = messageIsReady(msgBuf.get(), msgSizeBytes);
if (!success) {
throw runtime_error(context + "message processing failed at offset " +
to_string(offset - msgSizeBytes) + ", file: " + httpUrl);
// Reset the variable to prepare for reading the next header & message (if any).
msgSizeBytes = 0;
if (msgSizeBufNext != 0) {
throw runtime_error(context + "short read of the message header at offset " +
to_string(offset - msgSizeBytes) + ", file: " + httpUrl);
if (msgBufNext != 0) {
throw runtime_error(context + "short read of the message body at offset " +
to_string(offset - msgSizeBytes) + ", file: " + httpUrl);
} catch (exception const& ex) {
LOGS(_log, LOG_LVL_ERROR, ex.what());
success = false;

// Remove the file from the worker if it still exists. Report and ignore errors.
// The files will be garbage-collected by workers.
try {
HttpClient remover("DELETE", httpUrl);[](char const* inBuf, size_t inBufSize) {});
} catch (exception const& ex) {
LOGS(_log, LOG_LVL_WARN, context << "failed to remove " << httpUrl << ", ex: " << ex.what());
return success;

} // namespace

namespace lsst::qserv::ccontrol {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,16 +400,45 @@ bool MergingHandler::flush(int bLen, BufPtr const& bufPtr, bool& last, int& next
LOGS(_log, LOG_LVL_WARN, "setResult failure " << _wName);
return false;
resultRows = _response->result.row_size();
LOGS(_log, LOG_LVL_DEBUG, "From:" << _wName << " _mBuf " << util::prettyCharList(*bufPtr, 5));
_state = MsgState::HEADER_WAIT;

int jobId = _response->result.jobid();
LOGS(_log, LOG_LVL_DEBUG, "Flushed last=" << last << " for tableName=" << _tableName);

auto success = _merge();
_response.reset(new WorkerResponse());
// Dispatch result processing to the corresponidng method which depends on
// the result delivery protocol configured at the worker.
auto const mergeCurrentResult = [this, &resultRows]() {
resultRows += _response->result.row_size();
bool const success = _merge();
// A fresh instance may be needed to process the next message of the results stream.
// Note that _merge() resets the object.
_response.reset(new WorkerResponse());
return success;
bool success = false;
if (!_response->result.fileresource_xroot().empty()) {
success = ::readXrootFileResourceAndMerge(
_response->result, [&](char const* buf, uint32_t messageLength) -> bool {
if (_response->result.ParseFromArray(buf, messageLength) &&
_response->result.IsInitialized()) {
return mergeCurrentResult();
throw runtime_error("MergingHandler::flush ** message deserialization failed **");
} else if (!_response->result.fileresource_http().empty()) {
success = ::readHttpFileAndMerge(
_response->result, [&](char const* buf, uint32_t messageLength) -> bool {
if (_response->result.ParseFromArray(buf, messageLength) &&
_response->result.IsInitialized()) {
return mergeCurrentResult();
throw runtime_error("MergingHandler::flush ** message deserialization failed **");
} else {
success = mergeCurrentResult();
return success;
case MsgState::RESULT_RECV:
Expand Down

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