A tool that analyzes csv files and extracts information about column types and features. It's proven useful analyzing quite heavy CSV files (up to 18Gb in less than 5 minutes) giving information to create correct database tables.
Compile and run with the following command:
java CsvDiviner.jar input_file_path -b 4000 -w 7 -l WARNING -o output_file_path
Other parameters and usage:
Usage: java --jar csv-diviner.jar [options] input_file
-b, --batch-size
Batch size - how many rows must be read before being sent to worker
Default: 10000
-c, --charset
Set input file encoding (defaults to UTF-8, see
Default: UTF-8
-e, --escapechar
Csv escape char - defaults to '\'.
Default: \
-h, --help-usage
Print help.
Default: false
-t, --line-terminator
Sets the line terminator (options are 'LF' or 'CRLF').
-l, --logger
Set logger level (OFF|INFO|WARNING|ERROR).
Default: ERROR
-o, --output
If set, writes analysis json result in a file at the given path.
Print execution stats
Default: false
-q, --quotechar
Csv fields quote char - defaults to '"'.
Default: "
-s, --separator
Csv fields separator, defaults to ','.
Default: ,
Print execution stats
Default: false
Sets silent mode (prints only logs).
Default: false
-v, --verbose
Prints some information.
Default: false
Prints version information.
Default: false
-w, --worker-threads
Number of worker threads.
Default: 7
Compile by running the "assembly:assembly" goal (mvn assembly:assembly