Populates sql tables with dummy data according to resource json-schema
Register the plugin by require
ing it in where your Service
initialization is at (index.js
const Service = require('serviser');
const Config = require('serviser-config');
const service = new Service(Config);
require('serviser-restfulness'); // requires base serviser-restfulness package
require('serviser-restfulness-seeder'); //require the plugin
then seed
command will be available on serviser
> serviser
/bin/serviser <command> [options]
run [options..] Starts serviser app - expects it to be located under cwd [aliases: start, serve]
get:config [key] Dumbs resolved service configuration
test:config Tries to load the configuration file. Validates configuration.
seed populate sql tables with testing fake data
--help, -h Show help [boolean]
--config Custom config file destination [string]
--version Prints serviser version [boolean]
> serviser seed --help
/bin/serviser seed
--help, -h Show help [boolean]
--exclude, ---e list of table names to exclude [array] [default: []]
--number, ---n how many records to seed [number] [default: 20]