A SwiftUI-like Web library
// Create a mod.ts file
import { appendBody, Label, WebGenTheme } from "https://deno.land/x/webgen/mod.ts";
Label("Hello World!")
// Create a serve.ts file
import { serve } from "https://deno.land/x/esbuild_serve/mod.ts";
pages: {
"index": "mod.ts",
deno run -A serve.ts
Done! Have fun! More docs will follow
WebGen is build around the 4 main components:
- Core API: Bringing layouting, the webgen component pattern and state management.
- Navigation API: Build Applications with multiple pages and navigation based on the global URL and the Navigation API.
- Components API: A set of prebuild components like Button, Checkbox, Image, List, Sheets.
- Extended API: Provides additional features like a scheduler, a network issue resilient fetch/websocket API.