✨ Luisa, 25yo, Compilers and Formal Languages enthusiast. I also enjoy logics, a lot.
✨ Sometimes singer and art lover - fascinated by creativity in all its shapes
✨ Computer Science and Engineering graduate at Politecnico di Milano, Research Assistant at the University of Cambridge.
- FSM Dialect: working within the CIRCT project to exploit the FSM dialect for verification
- xDSL: I contributed to the xDSL open-source project
- iMFAnt: automata optimization for faster pattern matching (CGO'24)
- GrCUDA: I contributed to the GrCUDA open-source project
- xohw21-flow-public: finalist project for Xilinx Open Hardware 2021 competition, based on the acceleration of the wavefront alignment algorithm (WFA) on FPGA (ISCAS'22)
- Joule-Brayton-Turbine-Modeling: MATLAB thermodynamic model of a small turbojet engine
- super-duper-FORtnight: Python- and AMPL-based heuristic approach to VRT problem
- Forced-Convection-in-Cooling-Systems-for-Electronic-Components: MATLAB thermodynamic model of a cooling system based on forced convection for small electronic deviced