A set of simple TouchDesigner projects with solutions for audiovisual work, tested on Windows 11 and RTX 3090/3070.
audio-mixer-fades Trigger independent audio track fade in/out on button click, able to range, and master on/off (from 0-1).
audio-play-callback Custom callback on sample length of an Audio Play CHOP to allow logic when audio files stop playing (trigger a panel when audio finishes).
dir-mapper-2d-slider Creates a GLSL grid map from the number of files within an input directory, 2D Slider file navigator.
dir-watcher Populate a Table DAT with arbitrary directory (files with sizes and last-modified, also hidden).
extensions Template for abstractions (e.g.) -> op('xyz').myFunction() wrapped within a Container object with GUI visibility.
feedback-shape-saver Simple primitive shape color feedback with Movie File Out TOP export (composite on transparent background).
get-running-apps Populate Table DAT with running processes, PID, session name and memory usage (like task manager, hides CMD).
glsl1-barrel BarrelDistortion.frag shader on input video file, affects 4 corners.
glsl2-pingpong Ping-Pong Delay shader, feedback 0-1 (using .vs file).
info-getter A Text DAT execution on video file finish, creates a callback from video info channel.
link-two-containers A simple Select CHOP operator showing widget on container A triggered on container B (same logic as "send" and "receive" in MaxMSP).
midi-to-vst Simple boolean logic to send onNoteOn() and onNoteOff() to arbitrary VST3s.
open-apps Launch .exe applications found in provided paths, e.g. "C:\Program Files (x86)", threaded search from string input.
resolume-xml-parser Parse a Resolume XML file with mapping values into a Table DAT (composition example with 2 layers).
subprocess Execute a request from a file on the same folder deriving paths (hides CMD using opened TD session).
tcp-io Simple server to illustrate TCP io between TouchDesigner session DAT and CMD (start tcp_server.py first).
timer-subtitles-3d Reads randomly generated sentences from a Table DAT, works on timer and displays with geometry to texture.
web-server-internal Internal Web Server DAT with external communication such as
(only using standard libs for now)
$ python -m venv venv
$ .\venv\Scripts\activate
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