This is a Telegram-Bot specifically designed to give a brief overview of the inner city of Munich. It does that by leading the participant through 20 markable sites on a scavanger-hunt while supplying interesting information about each of the sites. Once the participant has arrived at one of the stations, he must pass a riddle given by the bot and enter the correct solution to access the next clue. The bot was initially designed for exchange students of the Servicepaket-München but is available to everyone who plans on giving Munichs inner city a visit.
Command | Description |
/help | List all commands |
/newgame | Start a new Scavenger Hunt |
/resumegame | Resume an your Scavenger Hunt |
/endgame | End your current Scavenger Hunt |
/ladder | Show the first ten players to finish the Scavenger Hunt |
/clue | Shows the last clue |
/showprogress | Shows how far you have gotten on your Scavenger Hunt |
/info | Shows interesting facts about your curret station. |